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Design Technology (DT)

Design Technology at Beechwood



Children explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function. During our Traditional Tales topic, we built houses for The Three Little Pigs on a large scale outdoors and on a smaller scale indoors.

Year 1  - Moving Toys

Investigating simple mechanisms.

Year 3 - Invaders and Settlers

Investigating moving vehicles and the history of transport.
Language development includes; 'chassis', 'frame', 'axles' and 'propulsion'.
Skills learnt include, the use of a saw, measuring, cardboard corners and rubber band mechanisms.

Year 4  - Ancient Greece

Theatre and mask making.
Investigating pneumatics and hydraulics to make a moving part.

Year 5  - Victorians

Investigating seasonality & accessibility then and now.

  • Understanding how a range of savoury products can be made.
  • Understanding a healthy diet.
  • Working and planning on a budget.
  • Health and safety when preparing food.