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  • Author Visit

    Mon 19 Nov 2018 E Zeller
    Today we had a special visit from a famous author called Tom Palmer. He introduced us to some of his books and spoke out where his inspiration came from. We loved learning about the process of writing a book, and he gave us some amazing advice about how to make our stories interesting and to never give up on our dream.
  • Paris Residential - Day 4

    Fri 09 Nov 2018 E Wroe
    This morning we had the chance to go to a traditional French market. Our task was to buy our lunch for the day, but we only had 5 euros each. We decided to put our money together in our groups and bought: bread, meat and fruit. 

    Then we went to the Pompidou - a modern art centre that has all of its pipes and stairs on the outside! It was very unusual.

    After eating our lunch we had bought earlier, we got back onto the coach and went to the Musee D'Orsay. The museum holds mainly French art dating from 1848 to 1914, including paintings, sculptures, furniture, and photography. It houses the largest collection of impressionist and post-Impressionist masterpieces in the world, by painters including Monet, Manet, Degas, Renoir, Cézanne, Seurat, Sisley, Gauguin, and Van Gogh. We particularly enjoyed looking at the impressionist exhibition where we sketched and analysed our favourite paintings.

    Lastly, we enjoyed a boat cruise along the river Seine. We saw many Parisian landmarks including: Notre-Dame, the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum and Musée d'Orsay.
  • Paris Residential - Day 3

    Thu 08 Nov 2018 E. Wroe

    We began our day at the Conciergerie where people of all social classes were imprisoned during the French Revolution. We were shocked to see how many innocent men, women and children were tried and sentenced to execution.


    We then walked to the Louvre where we saw lots of historical artefacts and famous artwork, including this Egyptian statue of a scribe.


    We stopped at different places throughout the gallery to admire and sketch artwork that we liked.


    After lunch we walked to the Notre Dam Cathedral. It was beautiful, we even got to hear the bells ring.



  • Paris Residential- Day 2

    Thu 08 Nov 2018 E. Wroe

    Today we visited the Palace of Versailles where King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette (the last king and queen of France) lived. One of the most interesting rooms was the Hall of Mirrors, which was where the nobility waited to meet the king.

    We then walked through the huge, ornate grounds to Marie Antoinette's hamlet where she used to pretend to be a peasant. Walking around the unusual buildings made it seem as though we were in a fairytale!

    Later that day, we were lucky enough to go up to the top of the Eiffel Tower. It was very windy at the top, but the views were amazing!

  • Paris Residential Day 1

    Tue 06 Nov 2018 E Wroe

    Day 1 - The Journey

    After a long coach trip, we have finally arrived in Paris. We thoroughly enjoyed travelling on the ferry and saw beautiful views of Calais and the white cliffs of Dover from the deck.

    We are looking forward to a good rest tonight and our trip to Versailles and the Eiffel Tower tomorrow.
