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Class 10

17th May


Well done to all the children who represented out school excellently on our school residential to the Lake District. We were extremely proud of your incredible behaviour and the brilliant work you completed while we were there. A very well deserved certificate for each and every one of you. Well done! 

Lake District Residential Day 2


We woke up bright and early for an action-packed second day of our residential! We ate a yummy breakfast and got some fresh air before heading to the town of Keswick. In groups, we carried out geographical fieldwork. This fieldwork included completing surveys of the locality and interviewing both tourists and locals. After this, we peacefully sketched the beautiful view of the lake and ate our picnic lunch. Before heading home, we had an amazing boat trip around Derwent Water! Everyone really enjoyed our Year 4 residential and the staff were so proud of everyone's outstanding behaviour! Well done Year 4! 

Lake District Residential Day 1

We have had a wonderful first day here at the Lake District. When we arrived, we enjoyed lunch with a beautiful view at Ambleside Lake. We had a go at skimming some stones in the lake so we could tick off another one of our Golden Opportunities. After we had finished, we set off to the Hostel.  We had so much fun minibeast hunting, painting the beautiful scenery we could see and practising our compass skills. The tea was delicious. After tea, we played outdoor activities. We can't wait for day 2! 

26th April


Excellent work. Certificate winners from the first 2 weeks back at school. All the children have started back with hard work, and determination and have impressed me with the amazing standard of their work. Well done to all of class 10! 

8th March


Class 10 loved creating biomes for Biodiversity Week. They chose between a savanna grassland, a swamp land or a rainforest. We researched the different temperatures of each biome and found out what type of animals were likely to live there. Then, we made our own with materials from outside alongside some recycled materials. 🙂 This is what they came out like. Well done Class 10, they look brilliant! 

2nd February


Class 10 enjoyed a great PE lesson in the classroom. Even though it was raining outside, we found a way to enjoy our session. The children loved developing their skills in table hand tennis. We applied our hand and eye coordination to an intense doubles tournament. It was brilliant fun all round! 

26th January


17th November


Class 10 had a fantastic visit for a history expert. We learned information about the Ancient Greeks  from the incredible reconstructed sources she brought along with her. Class 10 were excellent at observing the sources carefully and made accurate inferences about what the sources could be. They beat the teachers yet again! 🙂 We were incredibly excited to hold armour, swords and a bow and arrow which the ancient Greeks used in their warfare. We wrote our names in Greek and creates our own ancient Greek pot designs. It was a brilliant day. 

6th October


Class 10 had an absolutely fantastic day learning all about the Ancient Greek festivals and the plays which were performed at this time. We acted out the story of the Trojan War and you can watch our video to see our performance. We made up the chorus just like locals in Ancient Greece would have done! We loved listening to the story of Perseus and Medusa too. After hearing the story, we each took a scene in groups to re-enact. Matthew Bellwood was extremely impressed with our acting skills and history knowledge. Excellent work, Class 10! 🙂 


Still image for this video

22nd September


Well done to this week's certificate winners! Alfie, Lily, Elsie-Rae, Lany and Dylan - you are all superstars! 🙂


15th September


This half term, Class 9 are having weekly workshops where they are learning to play the Djembe drums. They have been learning a wide variety of techniques and skills including body percussion, keeping a rhythm and striking the drum. The sessions involve fun listening games, learning sequences and performing what they have practised! 

Well done to this week's certificate winners!

Reading Award: Alistar 
Handwriting Award: Lucy
Maths Award: Lily
Writing Award: Greyson
Star of the Week!​ - Zafreen 

8th September


Class 10 have settled in fantastically and are enjoying being back at school. They have enjoyed learning about our new topic, Ancient Greece and are ready to research the question which we were really interested in. We will be putting some of our work on this page very soon! 
