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Class 9

2nd July

This week Class 9 have been working hard practising our sewing skills. We are practising different types of stitches that we can use for our final appliques. As part of Science, we looked at sorting animals into different groups based on their characteristics. This links to the recent visit to Nell Bank, where Class 9 looked at different habitats and animals. 

18th June

This week Class 9 have been researching different activities and attractions that tourists can visit in the Lake District. In pairs, we first looked at different maps and leaflets and then used the Chromebooks to research some of these attractions further. We then chose the 3 most exciting activities and made an information leaflet for tourists. This week we have also completed our landscape paintings using watercolour paints to create the final look. Here are some examples from the class. 

28th May

Here are the reading award winners for this half term and Star of the Week winners for this week. Well done to everyone!

30th April


This week we have had a busy week in Class 9. In TSU, we have been researching about different aspects of the Lake District and have thought about what we would like to learn more about this term. In Science, we did an investigation all about the digestive system using biscuits. We also had a visit from Sam who taught us all about sound and showed us lots of different ways to make and change sounds. We began our drama workshops with Pavla and are looking forward to seeing her again next week. 

19th March

This week Class 9 had a visit from Matthew Bellwood. He taught us an African story that we will be using to do some writing. We also looked at some smaller stories and made shadow puppets to act out these stories in groups. As part of Mental Health Rocks we decorated our own rocks using our superhero colours to remind us that we always have our superpowers to help us. 


18th December


This week, Class 9 made their ancient Greek theatre masks. We spent lots of time painting the masks and creating our different characters using a range of materials. We have also enjoyed getting ready for the Christmas holidays, making cards and gift boxes for our families. 

11th December


This week Class 9 had an ancient Greek day. We learnt lots of new things about the ancient Greeks and really enjoyed looking at some different replica ancient Greek artefacts. We learnt lots about warfare and the different weapons that the Greeks used. We also designed an ancient Greek pot and learnt a game that was popular in ancient Greek times. 

Restorative Ambassadors.


We would like to introduce you to our class 9 Restorative Ambassadors.


These pupils have been trained to help others by using Restorative Practice. Encouraging everyone to have a voice, learning to understand ourselves and each other by listening, sharing feelings and working together to solve disagreements. 

We are very proud of these pupils and how they are actively working to building a harmonious and inclusive community here at Beechwood and in the wider community. 

4th December


This week Class 9 have been busy designing our ancient Greek theatre masks and finishing our ancient Greek report writing. On Monday, Class 9 took part in pedestrian training learning how to cross the road safely. We have also looked at staying safe as part of our PSHE work.

27th November


This week was No Pens Wednesday. We spent the day doing lots of exciting activities which helped to develop our language and communication skills. In the morning we made 3D shapes, played some different language games, made up our own stories and went orienteering outside. In the afternoon we practised some different ways of making a mask in preparation for making our ancient Greek theatre masks. 

13th November 


These past 2 weeks, Class 9 have been busy making our own ancient Greek pots. Some children are making their final pot and others are busy painting them orange ready to put on their designs. We have also had a fun couple of weeks in Science, experimenting with circuits. We tested out making switches and investigated what would happen to a bulb if you add more batteries to a circuit. 

23rd October

This half term, Class 9 have been learning all about the ancient Greeks. We have collected lots of information from books, the internet and a visit from Matthew Bellwood. We have read lots of different ancient Greek myths and wrote our own setting descriptions and stories based on these. We looked at some replica ancient Greek pots and have practised drawing and painting the patterns and pictures we found on them. We have also started looking at making our own pots using clay. In Maths, we have been learning new methods to solve calculations and in Science we have learnt about electricity. 

French Afternoon Pictures

Award Winners 16/10/20

Award Winners
