Class 3
Summer Term
21st June
We are learning about homes in the past as part of our Homes Around the World topic. We have been learning about castles and we visited Skipton Castle this week to consolidate our learning.

14th June
This week we have been doing our DT aspect our own Homes Around the World topic. We planned and designed homes using the skills we have been taught and with a range of different materials. We created chalets, skyscrapers, stilt houses, mud homes and igloos.
7th June
In Class 3 we have been talking about homes in the past. We have been looking at how homes have changed through history, from the Stone Age, through to castles in the middle ages, to homes in the Victorian era and we have been comparing and contrasting them to our homes now. In maths we have been learning about fractions and have been finding half of a shape and of a quantity. On Friday we did our sponsored walk and we managed 13 laps of the playground which is almost 2 miles!

24th May
This week we have been learning the skills we will need in Design and Technology to build our homes from around the world after half term. We learned how to join cardboard and paper. We made slots, tabs, hinges and L braces.
Our certificate winners this week were Noah, Millie-Anna, Kavi, Toby, Henry, Imani and Lacey.

17th May
In Class 3 we have been researching different types of homes and shelters and have made information posters. We have learned about homes on stilts, homes made of mud, igloos, houseboats and skyscrapers. We found out where people live in this type of home and added pictures of these homes to our world map. In our sessions with shown we have been learning a song about homes around the world. In maths we have been making arrays and grouping and sharing objects

3rd May
We continued with the work we started last week looking at maps, compasses and directions. We walked around the school grounds following directions and then drew our own maps. In English we continued our work on Pretty Salma and have done some wonderful writing. In maths we have been counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Our certificate winners this week are Lexi, Reuben, Millie-Anna, Aveya and Daniel.

26th April
As part of our topic, we talked about the homes we live in and described our homes using words such as semi-detached and bungalow. We labelled the parts of a house. We walked around the school grounds and looked at and described the homes we could see. We did some work on positional and directional language and used a compass. We used Google Earth and Google Maps to look at our school grounds then we created our maps. In English, we acted out the story of Pretty Salma and did some freeze framing and hot seating.
19th April
We had our pre-launch and launch lessons for our new topic Homes Around the World. We discussed what we already knew and what we wanted to learn more about. We were interested in homes that move such as vardos and houseboats and also in finding out more about homes in the past. In Science, we went for a walk and looked for signs of spring such as dandelions, bluebells, blossoms and minibeasts.
Spring Term
8th March
Class 3 have had a very exciting week! On Wednesday we visited the Chocolate Story in York and found out about the history of chocolate. We got to make our own chocolate lolly! We also looked at different food shops and stalls around York. On Thursday it was World Book Day and we dressed up in some amazing costumes. This week has also been Biodiversity Week and we have spent some time in our school grounds looking at habitats and looking at things we could change for the better.
1st March
We have continued with our TSU, Food from Many Nations this week. We have had a geography focus and have continued to research food from around the world, adding packaging to our world map and creating a World Street Food Van role-play area. Nate brought in a cake from Romania and we all enjoyed tasting it! We worked with Shine to find out how chocolate is made in preparation for our trip to the chocolate story next week.

23rd February
As part of our Food of Many Nations topic, we have been collecting food packaging from around the world. We have been looking at how far different foods have travelled to get to England and we have been adding our packaging to our map of the world. We have been working on adding and using number bonds in Maths. We have done some fun outdoor maths!

12th January
This week we introduced our new TSU, Food of Many Nations. We talked about where we live in the world and looked on a map to find England. We Talked about food from around the world and looked at packaging to identify where different fruits, vegetables and breads have come from. We also talked about food in the past.
Home Learning Grids
15th December
This week we have been learning about our senses in science. We did food tasting and tasted things that were sweet and sour. We have also been learning skills in art such as colour mixing, using a variety of brushes and sketching facial features with art pencils. Next week we will be creating self-portraits. In maths, our focus has been on subtraction. Our star of the week was Jacob for doing some amazing writing.

1st December
We have had an action-packed couple of weeks in Class 3. We loved World Day Wednesday and did so many exciting activities, on an Alice in Wonderland theme, linked to taking care of the environment.
We have continued our Who Am I topic and have been doing science-focussed work linked to our trip to Eureka. We have been finding out all about our bodies and looking at our senses. In art and computing, we have been looking at our faces and creating self-portraits.

17th November
Over the past two weeks, we have completed our final outcomes for history and for design and technology. In history, we have created a model of a Victorian school, created a Victorian school roleplay area, made a museum of toys from the past and have enjoyed playing playground games children would have played in Victorian times. In DT we designed, created and evaluated moving pictures based on our discussion about toys.
13th October
We have been learning information about Victorian schools and comparing them to schools now and when our parents were young. In Science, we went to look for signs of Autumn and we answered the question 'Which animals share our space?' We found evidence of birds, foxes and many minibeasts. Our certificate winners this week are Reuben, Millie-Anna, Kavi and Willow.

6th October
This week in English we have been reading the book The Train Ride by June Crebbin. We have been sequencing the story, acting it out and writing about it. For our Who Am I? topic we have been interviewing members of staff including Mrs Lanforth about their experiences of school and the toys they enjoyed playing with when they were young. Our certificate winners this week were Harry, Max, Daisy, Jasper, Henry and Daniel.

29th September
We continued with our Who am I? topic this week and sent out questionnaires to find out about our parents' and grandparents' memories of primary school. We talked about how school was different in the past. Next week we will interview staff at Beechwood about their memories of school. We will also talk about how toys and games were different in the past,
We enjoyed our French Day on Friday! We learned five colours in French: bleu, jaune, rouge, gris and vert. We also did a French word hunt and played boules. Madame Powley came to read us a story in French. We enjoyed our French-themed lunch!
Our stars this week are Olivia and Reuben.

22nd September
We have continued our work on Who Am I? We have been recording our memories from Nursery and Reception in writing and through drawing and painting. We created memory postcards and a memory postcard machine inspired by the work of the artist Sonia Boyce.
In Science, we answered the question 'Are all leaves the same?' by going on a leaf hunt and collecting a range of leaves which we compared and contrasted. We used these to do rubbings and leaf printing.

15th September
In Class 3 we have started our new topic "Who Am I?" We have been discussing our families and how we have changed since we were babies. We are interested in finding out more about our memories of Nursery and Reception next week. We have been using the words 'in the past' when talking about things that happened previously. In English, we looked at signs and labels around school and labelled things we found in the garden.
We have settled into our new class really well and our stars this week are Aveya, Kavi and Jasper.