Class 5
Spring Y2 Newsletter
Certificate winners-week ending 10th January
- Millie - Anna, post on Dojo and certificate winner for fantastic home learning. we love the ricket and the ship you made.
- Jacob - For fantastic independent division work
Welcoem to Year 2
Year 2 Home Learning Grid
Year 2 Newsletter
Week commencing 2nd December 2024
Tiago - Dojo winner
Noah - Working hard to make arrays
Kavi - Always working hard
Week commencing 25th November 2024
Certificate award winners
Week commencing 18th November 2024
Certificate awards winners
Millie anna - dojo winner
Daisy - Super writing about Nelson Mandela this week.
Nate - For doing fantastic maths calculations this week.
Week commencing 21st October 2024
Class certificate awards
Week commencing 14th October 2024
Year 2 had a wonderful day exploring Yorkshire Wildlife Park on Tuesday. We saw lots of animals from Africa such as lions, giraffes, rhinos and zebras. We applied our Scientific knowledge about animal groups in a workshop led by a park ranger too!
Thank you to all those that came to our Black History Month assembly where we shared our learning about Nelson Mandela. We all enjoyed sharing our hard work with you in our book look too!
Awards 18.10.24
Writer of the week - Millie-Anna for great independence in her writing this week.
Star of the week - Henry for coming to school with a smile all week!
Behaviour role model - Jasper for always following instructions well.
Week commencing 7th October 2024
Year 2 have learned all about Nelson Mandela to kick start Black History Month this week. We have enjoyed using our geographical knowledge of South Africa to think about how Nelson Mandela made such a difference in the past. Come and see our learning in our assembly next week!
Awards 11.10.24
Mathematician of the week - Noah for good perseverance when finding 10 more/less.
Handwriting Hero - Tiago for always presenting his work so neatly.
Behaviour role model - Reuben for showing excellent listening and attention skills this week.
Star of the week - Daniel for always trying his best.
Week commencing 30th September 2024
This week in Geography we have been recalling our knowledge of human and physical features. After looking at landmarks in the UK, we delved into South Africa and where we could visit if we went there. We enjoyed using atlases and online maps to locate the various places and described these using compass directions.
Awards 4.10.24
Mathematician of the week - Cohen for good independence finding one more/less.
Writer of the week - Imani for super descriptive writing.
Handwriting Hero - Olivia for taking care over her work.
Star of the week - Willow for concentrating well this week and trying hard with her work.
Behaviour role model - Lexi for following instructions very well.
Week Commencing 23rd September 2024
We enjoyed celebrating European day of Languages in Class 5 this week. We celebrated the languages spoken by classmates and threw ourselves into a game of Hello Bingo. We also learned how to sing 'Head, shoulders, knees and toes' in French:
Awards 27.9.24
Mathematician of the week - Max for applying his place value knowledge to problem-solving.
Star of the week - Millie for working super hard and being very helpful.
Behaviour role model - Lacey for always following our Golden Rules.
Writer of the week - Harry for a brilliant character description
Class 5 have had a wonderful 2 weeks settling into Year 2! We have launched our new topic of 'South Africa' by investigating artefacts, maps and photos sources. In Maths we have explored our knowledge of place value in, identifying tens and ones in 2-digit numbers. We have started our new Science topic of 'Taking Care' and been enjoying our new text in English, 'The Greedy Zebra'.
Awards 13.9
Mathematician of the week - Jacob for excellent partitioning.
Handwriting Hero - Sofia for beautiful presentation in all learning.
Star of the week - Grace for excellent listening and 100% effort.
Behaviour role model - Millie-Anna for following our Golden rules so well.
Week commencing 16th September 2024
Class 5 began focussing on Geography during their TSU work this week. We recapped the countries and capital cities of the UK using this fun song: and used these to label a map. In Maths we used our place value knowledge to order 2-digit numbers and were encouraged to 'prove it' using concrete or pictorial representations.
Awards 20th September 2024
Mathematician - Nate for excellent representations to support ordering.
Handwriting Hero - Aveya for good effort in joining 2 letters.
Star of the week - Kavi for being a really kind and helpful member of the class.
Behaviour role-model - Daisy for always trying her best.