Class 10
18th June
Year 4 had a fantastic day out at Nell Bank on Monday. They investigated woodland and pond habitats, had a walk down to the River Wharfe, went on a walk in a wood and had fun playing on the adventure playground.

21st May
This week the children in class 10 had their last session of drama with Pavla supporting their study of Swallows and Amazons. On Monday, they also went on a walk around Seacroft to identify human and physical features in the area.

Class 10 Award winners for this week are Zoe, Harley and Jack.

7th May
The Class 10 award winners this week are Jack, Kian and Lyla.
The children all planted sunflower seeds on Tuesday as part of a school competition. They also had their second session of drama with Pavla to support the Reading Unit focusing on the story of "Swallows and Amazons."
30th April
Class 10 certificates for this week go to Shelby, Mckenzie and Ashton.
On Wednesday we had a fantastic science workshop all about sound.

23rd April
Award winners for this week in Class 10 are Ruby, Jorgie and Kacey.
26th March
Class 10 certificates for this week.
Rayan, Ben, Mckenzie and Brogan received awards for good use of new mathematical language describing how to calculate additions and subtractions.
Leah received an award for being able to talk to the class about her reading book.
Evie received an award for an excellent attitude to her work and fantastic behaviour.
19th March
Class 10 awards this week went to Isabella, Harley and Mckenzie.
The children designed these fantastic pebbles as part of the Mental Health Rocks project with the Inclusion Team.
We celebrated and raised money for Red Nose Day.
On Wednesday, we had a story telling workshop with Matthew Bellwood where the children were taught a traditional African story. The children retold the story through acting in groups, using props and by creating their own performance using an overhead projector with puppets and slides.


18th December
The children in Class 10 had their Christmas lunch on Wednesday and later in the week they had their Christmas party, eating food bought with the contributions made by parents. They have all worked brilliantly this term producing fantastic outcomes.

11th December
This week the children took part in an ancient Greek workshop to support their learning about ancient Greece. The children looked at artefacts where they had to decide what material they were made from and what they were used for. They also looked at ancient Greek warfare, weapons and armour. Later they designed ancient Greek pots, played an ancient Greek board game and tried writing words using the Greek alphabet.
Awards this week
Alfie - Star of the Week
Oscar - Maths
Jai - improved work

4th December
Class 10 began this week with Pedestrian Skills Training. We have been very busy and very messy starting our ancient Greek masks.
This week, class awards have gone to Mckenzie, Lyla and Evie.

27th November
This week Class 10 have been busy experimenting with mod roc and paper-mache as part of our DT.
We made various 3D shapes out of nets and played Snakes and Ladders as part of No Pens Day.

20th November
The children in Class 10 have been busy researching ancient Greek masks using pictures, photographs and the internet as part of their DT this half term. Carrick, Jorgie and Ashton have all received certificates for the Times Tables Rock Stars competition with Jorgie winning first place.
- Kaiden - improved handwriting
- Carrick - Star of the Week
- Amber - reading
- Jorgie - Maths

13th November
Class 10 have been busy this week finishing our ancient Greek clay pots. The children have also continued with their research into ancient Greece using the Chrome Books alongside information books. They have also been busy using dictionaries to find the meanings of the words on their spelling sheets.
Certificate Winners - 6th November
Mckenzie received the award for maths
Oscar received the award for handwriting
Brogan received the award for reading
Jorgie received the Star of the Week
Oscar received the award for handwriting
Brogan received the award for reading
Jorgie received the Star of the Week
23rd October
The children have been working really hard in Class 10 this half term. They have all been trying to improve their handwriting to write in a neat, joined-up cursive style. We have been exploring circuits in science as well as looking at the changing natural world around us in our own school grounds. We have also been doing lots of research into ancient Greece, making Greek pots and we have had an ancient Greek workshop with Matthew Bellwood.

French Afternoon Pictures

16th October Award Winners
9th October -Award Winners
26th September
18th September