
18th December
This week we have been very busy doing lots of Christmas crafts and activities. We made Christmas hats , cards and reindeer food. We also recorded our Christmas songs for Tapestry and the website. Have you seen them? Wednesday was a really busy day as it was party day! We had lots of party food, played party games and had a dance to Christmas music. Thank you for all your support this term and we will see you again in the new year. Merry Christmas!

4th December
As this week was the first week of Advent, we have been learning all about the Christian tradition of Christingles. We had lots of fun making our own Christingles. The orange represents the world. The red ribbon symbolises the love of Christ. The sweets and dried fruit represent all of God's creations in the four seasons. The lit candle represents Jesus's light in the world, bringing hope to people when they are in need. We also had lots of fun putting up our Christmas tree and decorating the outside shed and turning it into a Santas grotto.

27th November
This week, as part of our ‘Around the World’ topic we have been focusing on the seaside. We looked at a world map and talked about where we find the seaside and talked about the key features. We really enjoyed reading the story ‘Sharing a Shell’ and had lots of fun playing in the water. Outside we had lots of fun playing in the sand. We used the different tools to explore the sand and create different shapes and sandcastles in the wet and dry sand. We also had lots of fun making an ice cream shop.

20th November
This week we have been looking at all the different types of transportation around the world. We really enjoyed reading the story ‘Naughty Bus’ and had lots of fun taking our small world vehicles on lots of fun adventures. We also did lots of fun work on transportation outside, but this time on a much larger scale. We used the scrap materials and blocks to make lots of different transportation such as buses, cars and cranes. In maths we looked at AB patterns. For example, colour patterns such as blue, red, blue, red, blue, red…
13th November
We have had a very busy week in nursery. We have been learning all about Diwali as part of our Around the World topic. We made diva lamps squeezing and squashing the plasticine and making it nice and soft ready to model into our diva lamp. Outside we had lots of fun using powder paint to make Rangoli patterns. It was so colourful. We have also been busy making lots of Poppies for Remembrance Day and making Pudsey masks for Children in Need. Thank you for all your kind donations!
6th November
In nursery we have been busy making lots of firework pictures. Outside we used chalk on the floor to make a firework display and we collected sticks to make a bonfire. Inside we used conkers, dipped them in paint, and rolled them around the paper to make a firework paint splattered picture. We also used craft materials to make bonfires. At snack time we turned off the lights and watched fireworks on the board. We also talked about firework safety and watched this short video. Next week we are going to be learning all about Diwali.