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19th July


This week we have enjoyed learning all about Great Britain in our Spirit Alive celebrations. On Wednesday we had our graduation ceremony for all of those children who are leaving us to go to 'big school'. We wish you all well in Reception.

14th June


This week we continued learning about animals. We also made Fathers' Day cards to celebrate Fathers' Day on Sunday. 

7th June


We have started learning about animals in our Plants and Animals topic and we were thinking about underwater animals. We listened to the story of the "Rainbow Fish" and made undersea creatures. On Friday we raised money for Spirit Alive by dressing as our favourite sports stars and bringing money for buns. 

24th May


Well done to all of our certificate winners who had 100% attendance this half term. We couldn't belive that there were so many - excellent attendance!

17th May


This week we went on a nature walk to see what plants we could see growing around the school. We saw lots of flowers, plants and trees, and some animals too.

10th May


We have been planting seeds this week and we had to follow the instructions on how to plant them. We are going to keep watching them to see how they grow.

3rd May


This week we have continued learning about how plants grow. We also celebrated Elis' birthday. 

26th April


Nursery learnt an earth dance this week and we talked about the precious planet we live on Earth. Children remembered learning about the earth during our journey topic. We had a go at making Earth using a selection of painting and printing techniques. We decided to have a try at recycling in the Nursery to help look after our wonderful Earth. Sarah came up with the idea and we all thought it was a very good one! 

19th April


Welcome to the summer term! This week we welcomed some new pupils into the Nursery and we started our new topic; learning about plants and animals.

22nd March


This week we have been going on Journeys into space with Baby Bear in the book Whatever Next. We have enjoyed learning about space and the planets.

15th March


We went to see Mrs Lanforth and Amanda to talk about journeys we had been on and to ask if they had been on any journeys, this week. We also celebrated Red Nose Day by wearing red and eating cakes and buns that people brought in, yum!

8th March.


This week in Nursery we celebrated World Book Day and we enjoyed reading with Year 5. We also celebrated International Women's Day day and thought about the women who help us. We drew some pictures of them.

23rd February


This week we have been learning about the number 3 and we have been starting our new topic about Journies. 

2nd February


This week we have been continuing our topic on traditional tales. We have been learning the stories of Goldilocks and the 3 Bears, the 3 Little Pigs and Jack and the Beanstalk.

We wished Shayan a very happy birthday this week.

12th January


This week we have welcomed lots of new starters into the Nursery. We have started our new topic this half-term, which is Traditional Tales. You can get more information from the Newsletter and learning grids above!

22nd December


We had a fantastic final week of the term here in Nursery. We performed our Nativity play, we had parties and lots of fun.  

Well done to all the children who got certificates for good attendance, especially Lola, Kobe, Vlad and Freya with 100% attendance!

15th December


In Nursery this week we had a visit from Vanessa who told us all about the library. We also had

a fantastic visit from the theatre company CODSWALLAP who told the children a fantastic interactive Christmas pirate story. 

We had two birthdays on Friday. Happy Birthday Kyron and Tilly:

Our certificate winners this week were: 

⭐️Kobe and Jacon⭐️

8th December


This week we have been learning about Christmas in our Celebrations topic and making decorations. Our certificate winners this week are:


 🎉 Avyana 🎉

✅ Mathematics - Cillian ✅

 ⭐️ Star of the Week - Freya ⭐️

1st December


We have continued our work on celebrations this week learning about 'weddings'. We are busy learning our Christmas songs, too.

Our certificate winners this week were:

Isaac - Mathematician of the week

Ryan - Excellent work about weddings

⭐️Ruby - Star of the week⭐️

24th November


This week we have continued our Celebrations work by thinking about parties, including our new role play area 'Party Shop' in the Nursery Garden. 


⭐️ Certificate winners ⭐️

Kyron - Mathematician of the week

Hydi and Paolo - Star of the Week

17th November


We enjoyed Children-in-Need Day, dressing in our pyjamas. Some people also entered the cake competition and they were amazing (we enjoyed eating them too!!). We also coloured pictures of Pudsey for a competition.


Our certificate winners this week were Oscar, Lara and Kenny - well done!

10th November


The nursery pupils have settled well this week, quickly getting back into their routines. We have started out 'Celebrations' topic and we have started by learning about Bonfire Night and sharing our experiences by doing pictures and paintings.



Hello lovely nursery children. We are so sad that we can not see you today. Happy birthday to Lennie, we look forward to singing to you tomorrow.
Today we were going to talk about our new topic, celebrations. Can you talk to your child about what a celebration is? Have they been to any celebrations? What happened? For example presents, food, new clothes.
We are going to look at celebrations in more detail next week and can’t wait to hear your ideas.
It would be lovely if you could go on an autumn walk. Listen to what you can hear , can you hear any birds? Cars? wind? falling leaves? 
Please share a story with your child with a focus on emotions. How are the characters feeling at the start of the story? Middle? end?
Attached is the firework poem we have been learning, if your child was here yesterday afternoon they will be able to perform it with some exciting actions too.
Please post your pictures and ideas.

29th September


We enjoyed our French day 🇫🇷 in the Nursery, trying French food like baguette and croissant, and Mrs. Powley read us a story in French.  We dressed up in red, white and blue - the colours of the French flag - and we made French flags by gluing red and blue tissue paper on.
