Reception Class 1
23rd June
We went to Harlow Carr Gardens in Harrogate today as part of our garden topic. The children were impeccably behaved at all times which was commented on by staff and visitors to Harlow Carr.
We were excited to have a coach trip and when we arrived we started off by exploring the grounds, walking around the lake and in the woods. We then did a planting and growing workshop where we found out about how different plants grow we planted a pea seed and investigated some of the different flowers in the gardens
We then had our lunch under an oak tree. After lunch, we did more exploring and went on a minibeast hunt. We also visited the bird hide and saw different wildlife. We finished off the day with a play in the play area.
26th May
We have learned so much about fruit and vegetables over the last few weeks. We have looked at them, tasted them, planted them, printed with them and found out information about them. This week we had lots of fun learning about the adventures of Supertato and his fruit and veggie friends!

19th May
Over the last two weeks, we have been learning about fruit and vegetables. We have been planting vegetables indoors and out, beans, carrots and potatoes. We have read Jasper's Beanstalk and Jack and the Beanstalk. We have also read Oliver's Vegetables and we found out about how different vegetables grow. We looked at different vegetables and printed with them. We also read Oliver's Fruit Salad and Handa's Surprise and made some delicious fruit kebabs!

28th May
We have been reading The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle this week and an information book about sunflowers called From Seed to Sunflower. We have been labelling the parts of a plant and learning what the function of each part is. We learnt a dance with Suine where we pretended to be a seed growing!
We have done lots of activities about sunflowers. We made collage sunflowers, and large-scale sunflowers with the scrap, made playdough sunflowers and planted sunflower seeds indoors and outdoors. We sequenced the growth of the sunflower and labelled the different parts. We also looked at the famous painting 'Sunflowers' by Van Gogh and had a go at recreating it!
21st April
Our new topic is The Garden. We discussed what we already know about gardens and what we want to learn next. We discussed what we can do in the garden, what might grow in the garden and what creatures might visit the garden. We have been busy gardening and have been weeding ready for doing some planting next week. We were very excited to come back after the holidays and discover our frog spawn has hatched into tadpoles!
We have also been learning about the Muslim celebration of Eid. It has been Eid this week and we have had friends in our class who have been celebrating Eid. We looked at ways in which Eid is celebrated and decorated our home corner for Eid. We also tasted dates which are a food eaten at Eid.

10th March - Snow Day Home Learning
Spring Home Learning Grid
Spring Term Newsletter
24th March
This week we have been learning about the life cycle of a frog. We learned a song and dance about the different stages in our Shine session. We sequenced the life cycle, wrote about it, made our own pond and did some arts and crafts about frogs. We are looking forward to collecting frog spawn from our school pond. We also continued our Talk for Writing work about Owl Babies and invited our parents in for a lovely Stay and Play session.

10th March
We have been learning about Spring this week and looking at signs of Spring such as spring flowers, blossoms and baby animals. We have done some lovely artwork, painting spring flowers and doing pastel drawings. We have also been learning about the Hindu festival of Holi which signifies the beginning of Spring. It is known as the festival of colours and people celebrate by throwing colourful powder and spraying coloured water at each other. We have done lots of activities about colour linked to Holi and did a fun music and movement Holi workshop with Shine.

3rd March
Our topic this half term is New Life. We thought back to our dragon’s eggs in our last topic and discussed what real creatures hatch from eggs. We found lots of different creatures that hatch from eggs: birds, crocodiles, snakes, turtles, fish, insects, duck-billed platypus, dinosaurs and lots more. We looked at eggs from different creatures and where they lay their eggs. We watched a video of sea turtles hatching from eggs buried in the sand. We wrote about eggs hatching. We also painted eggs, made play dough eggs, and decorated eggs using foam and colouring to create a marble effect. We built nests outside and dens for creatures to lay their eggs in. We read the book The Odd Egg and Who is in the Egg.

20th January
We have had some amazing Chinese/Lunar New Year activities at school this week. We read the Magic Paintbrush which is a Chinese folktale that has a dragon in it and links to the work we have been doing about dragons as part of our Fantasy Worlds topic. We had a special Chinese dance workshop where we learned a dragon dance, a lion dance, and a peacock dance. We were very lucky because Aaron's mum and Max’s mum came in to talk to us about Chinese New Year. They told us all about it and read us a story. They also kindly gave us some decorations and lucky red money envelopes. We have done lots of activities in class and our home corner has been decorated ready for Chinese New Year. We enjoyed our Chinese New Year school lunch and loved reading the messages in our fortune cookies.
We have also carried on with our Fantasy Worlds topic, making links between The Magic Paintbrush and Zog and the Flying Doctors. We discovered that both stories have dragons and both have unkind kings who lock the main character in prison. Both stories also have happy endings! We read the book I'm Going on a Dragon Hunt and went on our dragon hunt in the outside area. We were very excited to discover a dragon and her egg during our dragon hunt! We also made our own dragons' eggs from ice.
13th January
We have been reading Zog and the Flying Doctors as part of our Fantasy Worlds topic. We made a story map to help us to retell the story and then made our own maps of Zog’s kingdom. We used our maps to go on Zog’s journey outside. We learned a dragon dance in our Artis session. We programmed the Bee Bots to make Zog's journey.
We talked about the castle in the story and learned some information about castles. We built our own castles from junk modelling and with the scrap outside.

Autumn Home Learning Grids 22 Reception
25th November
This week we have continued to learn about people who help us in our community. We have been discussing the role of paramedics and making model ambulances on a large scale outside and on a smaller scale inside. Next week we will get to see a real ambulance!

18th November
We had a very busy week last week! We invited our parents into school to visit a mobile farm and to take part in our Artis session with Shine. In our Artis session we did a music and movement session all about people who help us. We also raised money for Children in Need. Here are some photos of our week.

11th November
We talked about Remembrance Day and watched a short film from CBeebies. We talked about poppies and why people wear them on Remembrance Day. We did some poppy activities in class. We have also been really busy in class practising our reading skills. We used metal detectors to find red words written on treasure and also have been reading lots of words we can sound out.

4th November
We have been talking about fireworks and bonfire night. We shared our own experiences with fireworks and had a fireworks safety assembly with Ria, our local PCSO. This fitted perfected into our new topic Our Community. We also learned about Diwali, the Hindu festival of light. Fireworks are an important part of this celebration too.