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Class 8

28th May

We had a brilliant time with Matthew Bellwood when he came into school to teach us all about Ancient Egyptian mummification.  He pretended he was an embalmer and he let us help him mummify his model Ani. We found out the Ancient Egyptians didn't think the brain was important but they took good care of the stomach, lungs, liver, intestines and heart. A body took 40 days to dry out and then it was wrapped in linen bandages. Rich pharaohs were often put into a pyramid that had been built especially for them. 

Restorative Ambassadors


We would like to introduce you to our class ….. Restorative Ambassadors.

These pupils have been trained to help others by using Restorative Practice. Encouraging everyone to have a voice, learning to understand ourselves and each other by listening, sharing feelings and working together to solve disagreements. 
We are very proud of these pupils and how they are actively working to building a harmonious and inclusive community here at Beechwood and in the wider community. 

7th May

Year 3 had a brilliant day out Tuesday 4th May at Nell Bank. Everyone was extremely excited about being able to go on a trip again. We spent the whole day learning more about plants and animals from different habitats. We explored the woods and we learned that a bluebell needs 2 litres of water a day. Then we found out that a large oak tree needs 1400 litres of water everyday! After that, we went minibeast hunting with our own minibeast precision collecting tools. There were a lot of woodlice, millipedes, centipedes, worms and beetles hiding under logs and in the ground. We collected a few spiders too and a very tame robin came to watch us at work. After lunch, we had great fun pond dipping. Hiding in the cold, slimy weed were so many different creatures. We collected different types of snails, newts and water insects and it was most people's favourite part of the day. 

23rd April

In Year 3 we have started to learn about Ancient Egypt. We launched our topic by looking at different artefacts and using information books and websites to help us think about what we wanted to learn. Everyone is interested in finding out more about mummification, the pyramids and what children did in Ancient Egypt. 

1st April

In Year 3 we have been busy doing lots of science. We have investigated light and dark using torches and we have learned how to make different shadows. If an object is transparent all the light goes through it so there is no shadow. However, an opaque object blocks the light and creates a strong shadow. We enjoyed observing our own shadows and we learned that their size changes depending on where the sun is. We have just begun learning more about plants so Mrs Dunderdale helped us plant onions outside. Over the next few weeks, we will be planting all kinds of different seeds and investigating how they grow.

19th March

We learned to take our own photographs of the area around school. Then we used them for our art work. We used the iPads to make computer based art of our photographs like David Hockney and we used watercolours to make our own paintings too. Can you recognise any of the buildings?

12th March

In our Community topic we have been thinking about what we can do to make a difference. We have been learning about the problems of too much plastic in our world and the effect this can have on the environment. This led us to make our own posters to explain the problems and show how important it is to re-use or recycle plastic items.

As part of our Community topic we have learned to make bread. We followed a recipe and found out how to measure the ingredients, mix them together, make a dough and knead the bread to make it rise.  Everyone made their own loaf and took it home for our families to taste.

5th March

In Year 3 we had great fun celebrating World Book Day at home and in school. We dressed up, read parts of our favourite stories and designed our own book worlds. 

Video Message from Miss Spooner

Still image for this video
Miss Spooner has another video for Class 8 :-)

Some examples of home learning

Video from Miss Spooner

Still image for this video

Home Learning News Letter W/C 16th November

AutumnFirst Half-Term
We have had great fun in Year 3 learning about the history of Britain. First, we found out about the Stone Age and we learned that Stone Age people created their own art. They made cave paintings using ground up rocks to make their own paint and they painted on walls. We used chalk and charcoal to find out what it was like to draw outside.

We found out that Stone Age people spent most of their time finding food. They gathered plants, berries and fruit and they hunted wild animals. We pretended we were living in Stone Age Britain and that we knew how to make stone tools and animal skin shelters. We imagined we were gathering food and hunting wild animals.

We really enjoyed beginning to learn to speak French on our French Afternoon. We are learning to greet each other, say numbers to 10 and learn the names for different colours. We had great fun learning to sing heads, shoulders, knees and toes in French as well. 

Near the end of the Stone Age people began to farm and they learned to use metal instead of stone. We found out what life was like in the Iron Age and we made posters to show what we had learned. 

Last week we dressed up as Romans and pretended we were shopping and visiting the bathhouse in the Roman town of Londinium. We have learned that the Romans made many changes to Britain when they invaded and settled here. They fought the Celts and set up towns in many parts of Britain. Keeping clean was important to them so they built bathhouses for everyone to visit. We had great fun pretending to exercise at the Baths and clean our bodies with oil and a tool called a strigil. If you were a rich Roman, you might have had a slave to do this for you. We bought mosaic tiles, oil lamps, nuts, fish and much more from the shops around the town square.
