Reception Class 2
Home Learning Grid
22nd July
Here are our attendance winners, who attended school every day last term. Well done Kinglsey and Sofia!
25th March
This week we have been continuing our learning around “The naughty Bus” we have taken pictures and written our own version of the story. We had a visit from the Yorkshire Owl Experience, which was a fantastic opportunity to learn about different types of owls and everyone got to hold the Little Owl!
4th March
Welcome back Class 2! We have had a lovely week this week, we have launched our new topic all about Journeys and we have had a story and costume filled World Book Day! The children loved talking about their favourite stories, sharing books and even writing their own stories.
11th February
We have been continuing to read 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears.' All children loved hearing a different version of the story, especially because it had a happy ending and Goldilocks ended up being friends with the bears and visiting them regularly for porridge. We loved making and tasting porridge this week and Northern Ballet even came to do a dance workshop with Reception and showed us how to move like the characters of Goldilocks, we enjoyed listening to the music and moving in lots of different ways!
4th February
What a fabulous week! The children have enjoyed sharing the story of the Goldilocks and the 3 bears and loved making shelters and dens for her and the bears. We celebrated ‘Lunar New Year’ this week and made Chinese dragons, Chinese lanterns and money envelopes. Children also had a go at using chopsticks! It was tricky to do!
In maths this week we have been recapping numbers to 9! We have been reminding children what these numbers look like, what properties they have and looking at different maths equipment we can use to help us represent these numbers.
21st January
Reception has had a fantastic week at school this week. We have had a lot of fun learning about our story “The Gingerbread Man”. We have retold the story used our own actions and drawn story maps to help us remember the sequence. We have also spent lots of time making gingerbread men in the playdough and cutting and sticking bits and pieces to design our own gingerbread men.
In maths this week we have been doubling! The children have learnt that double means “twice as many” and we have been doubling in lots of different ways. You could practice your doubles at home, use your fingers to show doubles to 10!
14th January
Reception has had a fantastic week at school this week. We have introduced our new topic ‘Traditional Tales’ and been playing with our new roleplay area "The Three Bears Cottage". We have also been talking about which stories the children want to learn more about and what type of learning activities we might be able to do!
This week we have read “The Little Red Hen” and we have had some really interesting conversations about how it’s kind to help others and whether we think it is fair that the Little Red Hen won’t share her bread
10th December
We have had a busy week. We have been practising our Nativity play and doing lots of Christmas crafts. Outside we have been making large scale Christmas trees with recycled SCRAP materials. In maths, we have been learning all about 2d and 3d shapes.
3rd December
This week we have been very busy making a class post box and learning how to write and send cards and letters. We loved looking at the story ‘Jolly Christmas Postman’. We have also started to decorate our classrooms for the festive period. In Maths we have been learning all about the number 8.
26th November
'This week we have been learning all about the Nativity story and we have really enjoyed acting out the story. We have started to turn our gazebo outside into a stable. We have also been very busy learning our Christmas songs for our Nativity. Remember, next Friday 3rd December is Christmas Jumper day! It is also Christmas Dinner day if your child is having a school dinner!'
19th November
We have had a very exciting Friday this week as it has been Children in Need day! We have dressed up either in spotty clothes or our pyjamas or non-school uniform. We have also had a little bun sale to raise money for a very special cause! Thank you for all your donations and support!
This week as part of our ‘celebrations’ topic we have been learning all about Birthdays and the different ways we can celebrate them. We have been very excited as this week it was our class puppet Fred’s birthday and we planned and organised a birthday party for him! He turned 6!
Please can you talk about birthdays at home and share any pictures on tapestry of anyone in the family celebrating a birthday.
12th November
We have been learning all about Diwali as part of our Celebrations topic this week. We have made diva lamps, Henna and Rangoli patterns. Diwali is a festival of light and fireworks are an important part of this. We linked this to our recent experience of fireworks.
After our great workshop on Cinderella, we have also continued to explore the story as part of our topic, and we have had lots of discussions about invitations and what we use them for. We have had a go at writing our own invitations.
We have also done work about Remembrance day. We talked about the poppy as a way of remembering and made poppy biscuits.