Meet the School Governors
Beechwood Primary School Governing Board
Chair Amanda Casey Vice Chair Barbara Mulroy
The constitution of the governing board is:
- Headteacher
- 1 Local Authority (LA) governor, recommended by the LA and approved by the governing board
- 2 parent governors, formally elected through a ballot of parents unless the election is uncontested
- 4 co-opted governors, nominated and appointed by the governing board
- 1 staff governor, formally elected by staff employed at school
- 2 foundation governors, appointed by the foundation (usually for church schools or trusts)
- 1 associate members, appointed by the governing board (can not vote in committee meetings)
The governing board operates with the following committees:
- Resources committee - responsible for staffing including the appointment and role of the SENCO, equality and diversity, finance, property management, health and safety and nutritional standards.
Committee chair: Barbara Mulroy
- Teaching and learning committee - responsible for teaching and learning matters including target setting, standards and achievement, SEN (including reporting annually on the success of the SEN policy), monitoring teaching and learning and curriculum provision and ensuring that the governing board is represented at school improvement discussions. Committee chair: Rachael Forster
- Pupil support - responsible for behaviour, safeguarding, attendance, children’s spiritual moral social and cultural development, children, parent and staff voice, extra-curricular activities, cluster and other partnerships.
Committee chair Amanda Casey
- Pay Review committee – responsible for ensuring the implementation of the school Pay Policy and Teacher Appraisal Policy.
- Pay Appeal committee – responsible for hearing pay appeals and ensuring a fair and proper process has been followed.
Current and recent (in the last 12 months) governors and business/other interests declared are provided in the table below. Governors and associate members, if appointed, are reminded that they should declare any changes as and when they occur.
Name of governor |
Category of governor and committees served |
Date appointed and term of office | Relevant financial interests | Personal interests/ Other Governor Interests | Specific Responsibilities |
Date declaration signed |
Sarah Lanforth | Head Teacher. Also serving Resources, Pupil Support and Teaching and Learning. | 01/01/2020
| None | None | Head Teacher | 25/09/2023 |
Rev'd Anne Russell
| Co-opted Governor appointed by the Trust. Member of the Pupil Support Committees. | 5/12/2022 - 4/12/2026 | None | None | Health & Safety Government Grant Funding & Pupil Premium | 25/09/2023 |
Amanda Casey | Chair of Governors & Co-opted Governor appointed by governors. | 27/03/2023 – 26/03/2027 | None | None | Wellbeing | 25/09/2023 |
Chinazom Ehiemere | Parent Governor elected by parents. Teaching and Learning sub committee.
| 04/07/2022-03/07/2026 | None | None | Early Reading Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) | 25/09/2023 |
Natalie Emsley | Co-opted Governor appointed by governors. Resources Committee and Pupil Support. | 06/12/2021 – 05/12/2025 | None | None | Equalities | 25/09/2023 |
Rachael Forster | Foundation Governor. Trustee attending Trust Board Meetings. Chair of the Teaching and Learning Committee. | 04/10/2022 – 03/10/2026 | None | None | Maths & Literacy & Metacognition SEND | 25/09/2023 |
Julie Shaw (nee Hall) | Staff Governor elected by staff. Member of the Teaching and Learning Committee. | 09/02/2021 – 08/02/2025 | None | None | Governor Training | 25/09/2023 |
Michelle Mtetwa
| Parent Governor elected by parents. Member of the Pupil Support Committee. | 05/02/2024-04/02/2028 | None | None | Parental and Community Engagement | 16/04/2024 |
Barbara Mulroy | Foundation Governor. Chair of the Resources Committee. | 04/10/2022 – 03/10/2026 | None | None | Complaints Health & Safety Government Grant Pupil Premium PE & Sports Premium Child Protection & Children Looked After | 25/09/2023 |
Cllr John Tudor | LA Governor recommended by LA and approved by the governors. Resources Committee. | 05/12/2022-04/12/2026 | None | None | Attendance | 25/09/2023 |
Vacancy | Co-Opted Governor recommended by governors. Member of the Chair of Pupil Support Committee. |
| None | None | TBA
Melissa Callaby | Associate member appointed by governors. (Non Voting). Member of the Teaching and learning Committee. | 09/02/2021 | None | None | Assistant Head. | 25/09/2023 |
The following is an attendance record for individual governors at meetings of the full governing board and committees.
Beechwood Primary School Governing Board
Attendance List: 2023/24
Y - in attendance
N - not in attendance and no apologies received/accepted
A - apologies received and accepted
X - not in post/not a member
| FGB 25/09/2023 | Pupil Support 02/10/2023 | Resources 13/11/2023 | Teaching & Learning 09/10/2023 | FGB 04/12/2023 | Pupil Support 15/01/2024 | Teaching and Learning 22/01/2024 | Resources 05/02/2024 | FGB 25/03/2024 | Pupil Support 24/04/2024 | Resources 03/06/2024 | Teaching and Learning 20/05/2024 | FGB 08/07/2024 |
Amanda Casey | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||||||
Natalie Emsley | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | |||||
Racheal Forster | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | |||||||
Julie Hall | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | |||||||
Sarah Lanforth | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
Barbara Mulroy | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | |||||||
Chinazom Ehiemere | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | |||||||
Cllr John Tudor | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | |||||
Rev'd Anne Russell | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | |||||||
Melissa Callaby | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | |||||||
Michelle Mtewa | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Beechwood School Governing Body is made up as follows:
Beechwood School Governing Body is made up as follows:
Sarah Lanforth
Appointed: 01/01/2020
Committees: Teaching and Learning, Pupil Support, Resources
Chair of Governors / Co-opted Governor
Amanda Casey
Appointed: 05/07/2021
Committees: Pupil Support (Chair)
Monitoring: Complaints & Wellbeing
LA Governor
Cllr John Tudor
Committees: Resources
Monitoring: Attendance
Parent Governor
Chinazom Ehiemere
Appointed 10/05/2022
Committees: Teaching and Learning.
Monitoring: Early Years
Co-opted Governor
Natalie Emsley
Appointed: 24/11/2021
Committees: Resources
Foundation Governor
Rachael Forster
Appointed: 07/12/2020
Committees: Teaching & Learning (Chair)
Monitoring: SEND
Trustee: Attending Trust Board Meetings
Staff Governor
Julie Hall
Appointed: 09/02/2021
Committees: Teaching & Learning
Monitoring: Governor Training
Parent Governor
Vacancy - To appoint in full at next FGB Mar 24
Appointed: TBC
Committees: TBC
Monitoring: TBC
Foundation Governor
Barbara Mulroy
Appointed 27/9/2021
Committees: Chair of Resources
Monitoring: Complaints, Equalities
Co-Opted Governor
Rev'd Anne Russell
Appointed: 5/12/2022
Committees: Pupil Support
Monitoring: TBC
Co-Opted Governor
Vacancy - To appoint in full at next FGB Mar 24
Committees: TBC
Responsibilities: TBC
Associate Governor (Non Voting)
Melissa Callaby - Assistant Head
Appointed: 09/02/2021
Committees: Teaching & Learning
Governors Left in last 12 months:
- Glenn Williamson Left Autumn 2023
- Rachel Hull Left Autumn 2023
Governor Code of Conduct
How to become a School Governor.