Class 5
Heritage week
We were very lucky to share lots of family backgrounds in Class 5 during whole school Heritage week. We heard all about family links to Syria, Bangladesh and Barbados as well as Hungary, Italy and Yorkshire! It was lovely to see members of Class 5 feel so proud of their heritage and we enjoyed finding the various places on the world map using our knowledge of continents and oceans.
After developing our skills of blending using paint and pastels, the children worked hard in creating a seaside background. Once they were satisfied with their background, they were able to utilise their pencil skills in making an observational drawing of a shell to go in the foreground. Look out for out final masterpieces in the Art Gallery in July!
At the end of summer 1 we celebrated our fantastic attendance in Class 5. The children who received a certificate for 100% attendance are on track to be invited to the silent disco at the end of term!
21st June
Star of the week - Ireti for participating so well in lessons and working hard on her listening skills.
Writer of the week - Deuel for using his knowledge and fantastic vocabulary this week in his written work.
Handwriting Hero - Sofia for making sure the size and spacing of her writing is consistent.
This week, 28 children from Year 2 attended a skipping festival with 4 other schools. After practising for the last few months, all the children put in 100% effort and represented the school really well. We were super proud of their efforts and were delighted to come away with some Gold, Silver and Bronze awards!
14th June
Year 2 have been learning about the physical and human features of a seaside in Georgraphy. We have been looking at multiplication and division word problems in maths and understanding how to answer different types of questions. Well done to this week's certificate winners who worked extremely hard all week!
10th April
Year 2 had a fantastic time at The Deep on Thursday. We absolutely loved seeing all the underwater animals and we were lucky that the stingray came to the glass and said hello for so long!

3rd April
Class 5 did some fantastic writing this week, creating a diary entry by Mr Grinling about his troublesome week. They also used their mathematical skills to add and subtract 2-digit numbers within word problems! In TSU we began to look at the work of Georgia O'Keeffe ahead of creating our own seaside-themed art work.
Star of the week - Musaab for settling so well into our class.
Writer of the week - Brodie for concentrating hard and applying his spelling knowledge when constructing sentences.
Mathematician of the week - Dolcie for showing great confidence when calculating.
19th April
Class 5 have had a good start to the summer term. We launched our new topic 'Seaside' by thinking about what locational knowledge we already have. We then explored a range of sources of information to think about what we notice and what we wonder. The children asked some inquisitive questions which we will be exploring through our topic work this half term. We have enjoyed 2 sessions with Artis, creating an advert for a Victorian seaside holiday through drama. It was lovely to see some of the children's home learning, practising Maths and researching the seaside!
On Monday we also celebrated Earth Day, learning a song, poem and making pledges on how to look after our plant.
Mathematician - Harper for showing great resilience and a positive attitude
Star - Remi for concentrating on his learning and working hard.
Handwriting Heroes - Rahma and Jayden

Spring Term

Class 5 have had a busy end to the term as they have completed the last of their Explorers topic work. After exploring different types of shelters that explorers might use, the children enjoyed investigating various ways of making structures outdoors. They used a range of equipment and showed great team work to solve problems and build effective shelters.
In English, we were lucky to have a visit from author and illustrator Bethan Woollvin! We listened to her share her story 'Little Red' before learning how to be an illustrator, following step-by-step instructions to create our very own character based on Little Red Riding Hood!
Awards 15.3.24
Mathematician of the week - Emily for excellent arithmetic skills!
Star of the week - Codie for being very welcoming and kind to our new classmate.
Writer of the week - Teddy for working independently and using some fabulous ideas in his writing!
Awards 22.3.24
Star of the week - Dolcie for always persevering and showing great determination.
Mathematician of the week - Rahma for applying her calculation skills methodically.
Writer of the week - Finley for trying hard to use exciting vocabulary in his sentences.
Handwriting Hero - Charlie for some fantastic letter formation.
8th March
We have had a very busy couple of weeks in Year 2. Last week we learned a poem all about Space which we performed for the rest of KS1. Look out for this at our parent assembly next week! This week we have been exploring the concept of Biodiversity through a variety of activities. The class decided they wanted to build a bug hotel so have been gathering resources in preparation for this. They also made some paper plant pots in readiness to plant some seeds. We thoroughly enjoyed learning Shine's Biodiversity Blues song, the children have been heard singing it to themselves in class since Wednesday. Thursday brought World Book Day, with some fabulous outfits and shared reading. We were super enthusiastic about our new book 'Dear Earth'. We rounded off the week with International Women's Day where we looked at the explorer Amelia Earhart!
Mathematician of the week - Ivy for some excellent regrouping when adding 2-digit numbers!
Handwriting Hero - Ireti for challenging herself to use cursive writing.
Star of the week - Aleigha for concentrating on learning tasks so well this week!

9th February
Super Sports Awards - Dolcie for perseverance and Freddey for being brave and showing great resilience in gymnastics!
Star of the week - Lyla for following expectations all the time and Ruby for concentrating so well on her learning.
Maths whizz - Luca for using his arithmetic knowledge with confidence.
Well done to all those who have read regularly at home in Spring 1. Harper was the lucky winner of the reading reward raffle, taking home a copy of 'Here We Are'.
Emily enjoyed sharing her home learning with the class. She had been busy researching space and representing her learning through illustration.
This week we have been recapping our knowledge of the continents and oceans of the world in Geography. The children used their understanding of maps and keys to create a multi-media map.

2nd February

2nd February
Class 5 have had a busy couple of weeks immersed in our Explorers topic. We enjoyed an interactive virtual Space live session which took us into space on a rocket. We were able to respond to questions posed by the Scientist, along with 1200 other schools. We also welcomed the Stardome to school hall this week. It was very exciting to crawl into the giant tent and see the universe around us. In Art, we have been applying our new knowledge and creativity to create 2D or 3D solar system scenes. We used pastels and pencils to apply our blending skills, along with colour choices, considering warm and cool colours.
We were also able to participate in a skipping workshop with skipping coaches who visited school. We are busy practising our skills to take part in a primary school skipping competition in the summer term. Awards
29th January
Star of the week - Brodie for concentrating on his learning tasks at the table.
Writer of the week - Remi for generating his own sentences using his knowledge from the Stardome, including adjectives and conjunctions.
Mathematician - Deuel for challenging himself when working with fractions, finding half, quarter and three-quarters.
22nd January
Star of the week - Maggie
Writers of the week - Charlie and Leen
Mathematician of the week - Codie
12th January
Mathematician of the week - Sofia for showing excellent determination to be successful when dividing.
Star of the week - Leen for demonstrating great resilience and perseverance
Behaviour role model - Rosie for always having a positive attitude to learning and following expectations in school impeccably!
Writer of the week - Luca for concentrating hard and completing tasks independently.
We launched our new topic of 'Explorers' by investigating a range of sources of information. We used these to generate our initial knowledge and key questions for enquiry this term.

Home Learning Grids
22nd December
End of term awards:
Star of the week - Riley for showing excellent listening skills and making positive choices in class.
Handwriting Hero - Ivy for working hard to develop her own handwriting size.
Mathematician of the week - Teddy for working independently when sharing into equal groups.
100% attendance for the Autumn term - Remi, Freddey, Jacob and Codie. Excellent work boys!
Great attendance for Aut 2 - Jayden, Emily, Sofia, Luca, Deuel, Thomas, Teddy, Charlie and Rosie.
Reading reward - Rosie received a copy of 'Christmasaurus' for her regular and consistent home reading.
We had an excellent end of term finishing off our DT work. The children made some excellent African animal puppets, using their sewing skills to thread a needle and use running stitch. They were super proud of their final products!

1st December
We finished of our map work for this term by creating 3D maps of South Africa. The children worked in groups to represent the different physical features of South Africa and added labels of key places we have explored through our Geography work this term.
Our DT work this term is all about puppets. We researched and investigated a range of puppets before practising the skills required to create our own. We learned how to thread a needle, tie a knot and sew a running stitch. We will be planning and creating our own puppets before the end of term!
The Enormous Crocodile
To celebrate the 10 year anniversary of Leeds East Primary Partnership, we had a fantastic trip to Leeds Playhouse to watch The Enormous Crocodile. It was so exciting to visit the theatre and see a story brought to life through puppets, songs and dancing. The children had the BEST time and have been inspired in both their DT work and their very on performance of our nativity.
Mathematician - Ireti for some fantastic multiplication work using arrays with confidence.
Star of the week - Finley for making good choices and putting in a lot of effort with his learning.

24th November
Star of the week - Lyla for trying really hard with her spellings and taking pride in her progress.
Mathematician - Emily for showing great understanding of equal groups to begin our multiplication work.
Writer - Harper for putting in 100% effort and concentrating on her writing.
Handwriting Hero - Ruby for completing her final draft with great care.
World Day Wednesday
We enjoyed a day off timetable to concentrate on our climate curriculum. Our morning was focused on an Alice in Wonderland adventure, completing tasks in the school grounds set by characters from the story. The children enjoyed making natural art, creating a tree of hope and meditating in the calm surroundings of the magic garden. They also worked hard to learn our fabulous climate change song with Shine!
17th November
Children in Need
We enjoyed celebrating Children in Need by wearing our pyjamas to school! Lots of the class entered the colouring competition, with some fantastic designs. Dolcie was chosen as the winner! We also had some brilliantly decorated cakes designed for the bake-off competition. (can you just edit Ruby out of the pic please?!)
Mathematician - Leen for always working independently!
Handwriting Hero - Aleigha for controlled letter formation and size.
Star of the week - Jasmine for showing good perseverance in her learning.
Writer - Kingsley for generating ideas for writing and recording these with greater independence.

10th November
Class 5 have returned to school ready to learn this week! We have all been working hard on our current class target 'We look after our property' and have shown increased independence in learning task.
Certificate winners:
⭐️Mathematician of the week - Remi for concentrating when adding 2-digit numbers independently.⭐️
⭐️Star of the week - Jacob for starting the half term in such a positive way!⭐️
27th September
Writer of the week - Ireti for using her amazing ideas to retell a story and taking feedback on board to improve her work.
Star of the week - Rosie for working so hard at home to make fantastic progress in her spellings!
Reading stars of the half term - Rahma, Jacob, Freddey, Rosie, Jasmine and Sofia have all read regularly at home this half term. All of their names went into the prize draw and Freddey was the lucky winner of a new book, 'The Ugly Five'.
Home learning - Emily was really proud of her research on Nelson Mandela and shared it with confidence to the class.
We have been working hard on our final art outcomes over the last 2 weeks. We used our printing skills to design and make our own traditional African print.
We took part in our Black History Month assembly sharing drama, art, a poem and a song about Nelson Mandela with our parents. It was lovely to see so many parents in the audience.
This week was our final drumming lesson. The children have been learning lots of new rhythms this half term, including 2 -part rhythms. They have learned some traditional Djole rhythms originating from West Africa
20th September
Mathematician of the week - Deuel for using his place value knowledge brilliantly when finding 10 more and 10 less.
Behaviour role model - Codie for always making good choices and being keen to please.
Star of the week - Dolcie for putting in 100% effort to her learning and following expectations in school perfectly.
Writer of the week - Sofia for showing increased independence this week!
13th October
- Mathematician of the week - Finley for persevering with his number bonds to 20
- Star of the week - Jaden for coping so well with new routines in school
- Writer of the week - Ireti for great enthusiasm for writing
- Handwriting Hero - Dolcie for taking care of letter formation
Home Learning
We have had some fantastic home learning shared with the class. It has been lovely to see children practising traditional African patterns, researching Nelson Mandela and making information books or posters about their findings.
Yorkshire Wildlife Park
We were very lucky with the weather on Tuesday which helped us have a fantastic day at Yorkshire Wildlife Park. The children loved seeing Lions, Giraffes, Zebras and Rhinos in real life. They were able to touch real camel fur and ostrich feathers in our workshop along with live cockroaches, giant African land snails and a snake! The day has enabled us to use our knowledge in our writing this week.
6th October
Mathematician of the week - Riley for some hard work using number bonds to 10
Star of the week - Sofia for always showing good listening skills and following instructions
Writer of the week - Ruby for showing great independence in generating sentences
Handwriting Hero - Luca for taking care of the size and shape of his writing on a whiteboard or on paper
29th September
French Day
Class 5 have enjoyed French Day in school today. We were very impressed by some of the effort which had been put into French-themed outfits! We learned how to say the name of our lunch in French and made a placemat to take to the dinner hall with us. We also worked hard to learn the names of body parts to sing 'Head, shoulders, knees and toes'. Once tested our new knowledge by using a word spinner to help rebuild Mr Potatohead! Harper earned herself a 'tres bien' certificate for her efforts learning the song and Jayden received a 'quel effort' certificate for his attempts to recall new vocabulary!
Harper decided to research our topic of South Africa at home and created a wonderful information poster sharing her findings! She showed it with pride to her peers who were very impressed.

Award Certificates
Writer of the week - Deuel for persevering and improving his sentence in response to feedback.
Star of the week - Dolcie for improved independence this week, trying really hard with her work.
Behaviour role model - Teddy for listening to instructions and responding well to adults in school.

22nd September
Mathematician of the week - Freddey for using his knowledge of tens and ones confidently.
Star of the week - Rahma for always putting in 100% to her learning and contributing to whole class sessions.
Behaviour role model - Harper for being keen to please by meeting all the expectations in school
15th September
In Class 5, we have had a positive start to the school year, learning new routines and expectations in Year 2. The children have enjoyed launching our new TSU all about South Africa and been exploring the story of 'The Greedy Zebra' during English time.
Deuel went home and shared his understanding of African patterns, deciding to create his very own to share with the class.
Mathematician of the week - Jayden for showing great resilience when showing his place value knowledge of 2-digit numbers.
Star of the week - Ivy for having a brilliant attitude to school, concentrating on her learning and participating in lessons.
Behaviour role model - Emily for demonstrating excellent listening skills and focusing on tasks 100%.

8th September
Mathematician of the week - Brodie for demonstrating lots of confidence in his mental maths knowledge, counting in steps of 2, 5 and 10.
Star of the week - Charlie for always following instructions and trying hard to impress the adults in class.