Class 3
11th June
Well done to our certificate winners this week.
14th May
Well done to our certificate winners this week: Elsie and Therese, who have worked very hard in Maths and Writing.
23rd April
It has been a lovely first week back at school post Easter holidays. We have enjoyed sharing what we've been up to! The weather has been lovely this week and we have really been able to make the most of our lovely outdoor garden. In English this week we have started reading our new text 'Pretty Salma'. The children have really engaged in acting out the story and particularly enjoy being the character Mr Dog. The children were keen to make predictions before we read the story. In Maths we have been focussing a lot on partitioning numbers and one more and one less. In topic we have immersed ourselves in our new topic, 'Homes around the world'. The children have generated lots of questions and can't wait to learn more! Our stars this week are Greyson, Alfie and Frankie who have worked so hard in filling their sticker charts and class dojo points. They have really concentrated and tried their best!
26th March
This week we have been so busy! The children have had a fantastic time being back at school. They have enjoyed reading fairy tales and learning our magpie words from the books. For example: enchanted, envy, spindle. In maths we have been focussing on fractions and have learning lots about halves and quarters. The children have learnt lots of new vocabulary including the words: groups and sharing. We have been busy writing all about the chocolate workshop we experienced. The children have produced some fantastic pieces of work. In TSU we have been learning facts about the Stone Age, Anglo-Saxons and Victorians. We are learning about hwo they gathered food and how they cooked it.
We have been filling up our sticker charts and these have been translated into dojos. Many children have been recieving their prizes and certificates for filling these up and working so hard.
The certificates this week are for:
Star of the week- Isobella - for super focus in class.
Writing award- Isabella - for a super piece of writing including punctuation.
Excellent behaviour - Alister and Harper - for being excellent role models.
This Week's Certificate Winners
Well done to this week's certificate winners, who have been doing lots of wonderful work on Tapestry. Well done to you all and stay safe.

Stars of the Week
Star of the week: Summer for super behaviour for learning
Writing award: Isabella for a super piece of writing!
Behaviour award: Isobella for being a super role model
Well done: Alfie for really impressing us with your independence

November 27th
This week in Class 3 we have been reading the book 'Going on a Bear Hunt' By Michael Rosen. We acted the story out and sequenced it. We also thought about what the bear might do next. in Maths we have been counting in twos, fives and tens.
20th November
This week we have been so busy. We have had Phonics every day and have been learning ir, ur, er and air and are. In Maths this week, we have been learning about bar models. We can now solve some simple bar modelling problems e.g. 10 is the same as 6+4. In English, we also wrote up our best drafts of our moving toy instructions. On Wednesday, an artist came to see us in Class 3! The artist showed us how to paint portraits and self-portraits. She showed us how to use pencils, oil pastels, crayons, leaves and fruit. She taught us about some artists including Frida Kahlo, Pablo Picasso, Vincent Van Gogh, Guiseppe Archimboldo. Elsie won portrait artist of the day! Well done 🙂. We had lots of fun and made our own portraits and self-portraits! It was amazing! We have had such a busy week and it was amazing.
Star of the week is Elsie S for her super concentration and focus all week. Your portrait of Katana was fantastic.
Well done to Jacob for a huge improvement in your behaviour for learning. You also produced a fantastic Pablo Picasso inspired painting.
Super star writer award to Harper for super independent writing about the art workshop.
Behaviour award goes to Harry for a fantastic week of super behaviour. Keep it up.
Home learning award goes to Lucy for beautiful reading and putting your videos on tapestry.
We are so proud of all of you.
Miss Belli and Ms Khan
13th November
We have a fantastic second week back at school since half term. The children have been busy writing their drafted instructions for their moving toys. The children worked hard on this and remembered to use their bossy verbs. We have had a big focus on handwriting and the children have been trying their best to make sure the descenders go underneath the line. In Maths we have been focussing on time, including o'clock and half past. Today (Friday), we have had a fantastic Pudsey day. The children enjoyed wearing their own clothes and some of us dressed up in pyjamas. We even snapped a photo of us with Pudsey bear! This weekend some people are celebrating the festival of Diwali, where good triumphs. We tried on different outfits and looked different things that people might use to pray. During Science this week the children tasted different foods, using their sense of taste. We decided which foods were sour, bitter, sweet and creamy! The children's behaviour has been brilliant this week and everyone has tried to try to their best during class learning time. Lots of children have earnt stickers to go toward their dojos.
Our star of the week is: Sophia! She has tried her best in all areas of learning and her behaviour for learning has been fantastic.
Well done to Oscar! He has been trying his best to concentrate in class time and do his best to work on his own.
Well done to Zafreen! She produced a fantastic piece of drafted writing with beautiful handwriting.
We are very proud of you Class 3. Keep it up! 🙂
Miss Belli and Ms Khan
6th November
The children have had a fantastic week again. We have been learning all about halving in Maths and are able to share two groups of objects fairly to find out the half. e.g. half of 12 is 6. We have been also following instructions in English and learning about what a bossy verb is. The children did so well with this and were able to find the verbs in a set of instructions. We have been making lots of arts and crafts by following instructions this week. The children have begun learning about the senses in Science and we will be focussing on this topic this half term.
Super Star of the week: Lily
Well done stars of the week: Lucy and Oliver
Autumn 1 Blog
It has been a lovely first week back. We have been so busy getting used to all the new routines. The children have really taken all the new routines in their stride. They have settled back into school life so quickly and it has been so lovely to see them.
Our topic is who am I?
Art focus- self portraits and peer portraits.
History- toys and our families
D.t.- moving toys
Science- our body and senses
We used different resources in the classroom to represent numbers in different ways! We did a super job and were really engaged. The children were confident with their counting, number recognition and were even able to make combinations of numbers and tell me the total. E.g. 2 plus 3 more makes 5 or 6 plus 4 more makes 10.
The children had another fabulous week. We have been busy revisiting our number to 12 and have begun recording them in a more formal way. The children instantly used resources to consolidate their learning. During English we learnt about signs and labels and even wrote labels and signs and put them in different places. The children all engaged really well in RML this week and are trying very hard with their Phonics. Please do continue to read at home daily as it will really help to progress your child's learning. We also looked at growing during our topic session and thought about what we were like in the past - a baby and a toddler. During independent learning time, we have continued to look at portraits, role play in our shop, autumn exploration activities, maths activities, writing, and small world role play!
Well done certificates:
Congratulations to-
Lucy- Phonics star!
Katana- Maths star!
Harvey- Excellent behaviour role model!
STAR OF THE WEEK: Frankie! For trying his best in all areas of learning and being a super role model to his peers.
Don't worry if you did not receive a certificate this week as we give out certificates every Friday and stickers everyday!
I wanted to finally say how proud I am of how the children have settled back into school. It is a delight to see them so happy to be with their friends and enjoying learning once again. Myself and Ms Khan have had a lovely time with them and we can't wait to push their learning on in lots of creative ways! Please continue to post any home learning on Tapestry- whether it is reading or art or even going for an autumn walk.
This week we continued to consolidate our counting and deepen our knowledge of numbers to 20. We have been recapping our set 2 phonic sounds.
The certificates were for:
Star of the week- Harper
Well done to - Elsie
Well done to- Alfie
We were very proud of you :-)
The children had a fantastic week on the 4th week back in school.
We focussed on addition and subtraction and played quiz quiz trade to help us remember our doubles!
Our stars:
We enjoyed a mini gallery of our mini History projects! We also began to use money in Maths and begun adding and taking away using different coins. We also sequenced the pictures of ourselves. The children brought in photos of themselves from babies to 5 years old. We created a timeline.
What a fabulous week we had. We started our projects for TSU and the final outcomes are marvellous! The children CANNOT wait to take them home! :-) The children also began reading The Train Ride. We went on our own train ride which was so much fun.
What a week so far! We had a scientist arrive... I am sure the children told you all about this! The scientist told us all about our senses and answered some of our questions about who we are. We have also finished our TSU project about the history of toys! :-)
Our star of the week was Lily Wardle!
Well done to Jack and Elsie-Rae who have also received certificates. Keep up the super work Year 1. We are very very proud of you. :-)
Miss Belli and Ms Khan
The children had a fabulous last week of school before half term. The children were so excited for Halloween. I brought a pumpkin in for the children to carve on Thursday and Friday. They were fascinated by the seeds and the slime! We have saved these seeds for planting next year. Fingers crossed we will get some pumpkins in October 2021! We read a very spooky story. The children also celebrated the whole half term and received treats and we watched Madagascar (although not all the way through)! The children on Monday- Wednesday spent this time with Mr Jackson and had a fantastic time. They wrote their stories about The train ride. The children also did computing, r.e. and most importantly made their own moving toys! The children did such a fantastic job of making these moving toys which had levers, split pins and sliders. On Thursday the children were so keen to show me these and we spent time on Thursday and Friday finishing them off.
We were so proud of their achievements this half term so we celebrated as a class. We also celebrated birthdays that had happened or were going to happen over the half term.
Star of the week: Leyton!
Well done: Pepper and Dylan