Class 8
24th May
This week we have enjoyed continuing with our ancient Egyptian artwork. We have completed our jewellery pieces and have begun our drawings of Tutankhamun's death mask. We enjoyed working in groups to begin our models of the River Nile and look forward to completing these after the holidays. We have also thought about our heritage as part of 'Celebrate Heritage Week'. We talked about our heritage and traditions that we each have and made posters to share our ideas.

3rd May
This week Class 8 had a session with Shine. We learnt lots of different facts about the famous ancient Egyptian - Tutankhamun and how his tomb was discovered. We acted out different parts of this time in history in short freeze frames. Then we began to learn a song about Tutankhamun and his life. In art, we began to look at ancient Egyptian jewellery. We sketched some different pieces of jewellery and then used oil pastels and crayons to colour them. We tried to find similar colours to the original artefacts to make our drawings look more realistic.

26th April
This week, Class 8 took part in a dodgeball tournament. We were really excited to show the skills we had learnt in our PE lessons and had a really fun time. Well done to each of the teams! This week we also spent lots of time learning about our new topic Ancient Egypt. We looked at different artefacts and books and thought about what we would like to learn more about this term.

This week, Year 3 enjoyed taking part in some different activities for Earth Day. We looked at different ways we can help to look after our planet and made our own pledges. Year 3 had a special visitor who taught us some interesting facts about electricity and showed us how solar panels work. We also performed a new song with Shine all about the wonders of Earth and how important it is that we look after our planet.

Spring Term
22nd March - Our Class Assembly
World Book Day

Nell Bank Residential Day 2
Year 3 really enjoyed finding out about the different animals that live around Nell Bank on day 2 of our residential. We worked in groups to do a habitat trail and a scavenger hunt and then we had a brilliant time den building in the woods.

Nell Bank Residential - Day 1
Year 3 have had a brilliant 1st day on our Nell Bank residential. We have enjoyed pond dipping and were very excited to catch newts. We also hunted for mini beasts and found out about trees on a woodland walk. We couldn’t wait to explore the adventure playground and to use our torches on a night walk around the Nell Bank grounds. Mrs Lanforth visited us for tea and enjoyed star gazing with us.
23rd February
This week we have enjoyed doing some artwork inspired by artist David Hockney. We used oil pastels to recreate some of his artwork, thinking carefully about the colours, shapes and patterns we could see. We also worked in small groups to think about a picture to represent our community. We shared our best ideas and came up with group designs.
2nd February
This week we went on a local walk of Seacroft with Matthew Bellwood. We looked at lots of different buildings and learnt about what these were like in the past. We heard some lovely stories from people who have lived in Seacroft for a long time. We looked at a map of Seacroft from the 1930s and tried to imagine what Seacroft would have been like in the past.

19th January
This week class 8 began our new topic all about our community. We looked at different kinds of maps to locate different countries and we researched facts about the United Kingdom.
We also really enjoyed gymnastics in PE this week. We practised rolls and learnt some new partner and group balances.
Home Learning Grids
24th November
This week Class 8 have enjoyed lots of time learning outside. We had our trip to Meanwood Valley Farm where we learnt all about rocks and soil for our Science topic. We even got to see and feed some of the animals before we left. We also enjoyed World Day this week. We had different lessons outside and enjoyed using nature to create different pieces of artwork. We thought carefully about why trees are important and wrote special messages about taking care of trees.

17th November
This week Class 8 had our first drumming session. They practised creating rhythms that they learnt in Year 2 and played some musical games. Class 8 also really enjoyed dressing up and wearing odd socks for Children in Need on Friday.

20th October
This week class 8 have enjoyed preparing for our Black History assembly. We have enjoyed drawing portraits and researching some interesting facts to share with our grown-ups.

13th October
Class 8 really enjoyed our second day with Catherine this week. We learnt all about the Romans and got to see lots of interesting reconstructed artefacts. We played some different games that were popular in Roman times and even got to write a Roman message using ink and a stylus.

6th October
Class 8 enjoyed their workshop with Shine this week. We thought all about what life was like in the Stone Age. We learnt the start of a Stone Age rap and acted out different Stone Age activities. We are really looking forward to our session next week.

29th September
Class 8 really enjoyed their French day 🇫🇷 this week. They took part in lots of exciting activities including a French hunt around school, French playground games and artwork based on a French artist.

15th September
Class 8 had a very exciting week with a visit from Catherine to learn all about the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. We had the chance to look at different reconstructed sources to help us learn about daily life. We also designed our own roundhouse camps and learnt about armour and weapons used in the Iron Age.

8th September
This week in Year 3 we have talked a lot about the history that the children learned in KS1 ready for all the new history we will be learning in our Invaders and Settlers TSU this term. When we introduced this new topic, we thought about what we would like to learn more about and developed a list of questions to research this term. Here is our Home Learning Grid to give you some ideas about what we will learn this half term. We are really looking forward to sharing what you learn at home as well as at school.