Summer Term
7th July
This week in nursery, we have been finding out all about spiders! We have enjoyed making models of spiders with black playdough and loose parts, painting spider webs and weaving webs with ribbons outside. We spotted lots of webs in our outdoor area and spiders of different colours and sizes. We know that spiders have 8 legs, 6-8 eyes and catch flies in their webs.
On Thursday morning, we had a visit from the story bus; the children were excited to look at all the different books and choose some to relax and read. The lovely story bus ladies read us a great story and we sang some songs together; it was lots of fun!
Story Bus
30th June
This week in nursery, we have been learning all about ladybirds! We have looked at the life cycle of a ladybird and we know that first there is an egg, then a ladybird larvae hatches from the egg, next the larvae turns into a pupa and finally a ladybird emerges from the pupa and the whole process begins again. We have been on minibeast hunts around the garden and were excited to find ladybirds in every stage of their life cycle. We also found lots of other minibeasts on the way including, woodlice, snails, slugs, earwigs, spiders and bees.
We used red playdough and additional materials to create ladybird models, demonstrated super cutting skills to cut out and piece together a ladybird, painted and printed some fabulous spotty patterns and drew some amazing pictures of ladybirds. In our movement lesson, we also recreated the lifecycle of the ladybird using our own bodies.
We have also learnt about the celebration of Eid, some of our children shared their stories of their lovely Eid celebrations with us, it sounds like they had a wonderful time!
Our mathematicians of the week were:
Leon and Grace both demonstrated some amazing number knowledge.
Our certificate winners were:
Cleo, who has been doing some super writing.
Layton, who has shown super listening skills at group times
Well done everyone!
23rd June
This week in nursery we have been reading the story 'Oliver's Vegetables', from this, we have been using real vegetables to print using paint and weigh using various scales, we have also planted some carrots in our garden, and we are excited to see how they grow!
We have continued to hunt for minibeasts outside in the garden this week and we have been finding lots of ladybird larvae. The children have been keen to learn about how the Larvae turn into the more recognisable ladybird, we will continue this learning next week.
Some children have really enjoyed making their own obstacle courses outside, they have explored various ways of moving and timing each other to see how quickly they can do it.
2 of our children brought in some wonderful medals that they have achieved outside of nursery. Leon received a medal for his hard work at football training and Kyra won a medal for her amazing gymnastics performance. Both children proudly told us all about their achievements, Kyra even taught us all some gymnastics. Well done both of you, we are very proud!
our certificate winners this week are-
Samara - has been doing some fabulous writing and mark-making this week.
Dren - has been getting really involved in group time activities.
and our mathematician of the week is-
Marcey - has been impressing us with her amazing counting skills and Numicon knowledge.
Well done everyone!
eiddance 1.MOV
16th June
We have been enjoying the lovely sunshine this week in the garden. We have kept safe by wearing our sun hats and suncream and drinking lots of water. We have also enjoyed some yummy ice pop treats to cool us down.
The sunflower seeds we planted are growing nicely now and we have made sure we keep them watered. It has been very interesting to watch the changes as they grow.
Our mathematician of the week is- Cleo, who did some fabulous representation of the number 3!
Our certificate winners this week were- Esther, Whose confidence has grown massively and she is always smiling!
and Myla- Who is such a kind and caring friend!
Well done everyone 🙂
9th June
It has been lovely to have all the children back in the nursery after what we hope was a great half-term for you all. We have been enjoying the lovely weather we have had by exploring the nursery garden and hunting for mini-beasts.
We were very lucky this week because Mr Powell brought some of his minibeast pets to visit us. The children enjoyed finding out about the hissing cockroaches, headlight cockroaches and domino cockroaches. The children were very brave and lots had a hold or a stroke of the animals!
Oscar and Samara brought in some wonderful home learning they have done, they showed some impressive mark-making skills, well done both of you. Remember, if you bring in any home-learning you will be entered into or prize draw at the end of the term and we will also proudly display it in our classroom.
Our certificate winners this week were:
- Ayda- who has done some fabulous name-writing this week
- Nellie- who is always very kind and helpful to her friends
Our mathematician this week is:
- Reggie- who displayed some fantastic problem-solving skills, using the Numicon.
Well done!
26th May
This week in nursery we have continued learning about the life cycle of a sunflower. We have now all planted our own sunflower seeds, and we are excited to watch them grow. We wonder whose will be the tallest!
Our beanstalk plants have continued to grow really well. We have enjoyed seeing how our tiny seed has already grown into a tall stalk. These have been sent home this week so you can continue caring for them at home. Please send us an update on your child's beanstalk on Tapestry.
We have been learning about the different parts of a flower. We are getting really good at naming the roots, stem, flower head, petals and leaves. In our groups, we created a flower together and labelled all of its parts. We have also been creating our own flower pictures too, remembering all the parts a flower needs.
On Wednesday morning the children enjoyed our weekly artis session with Shine. We had lots of fun learning a new song and dance this week, all about emotions. We really enjoy expressing ourselves through music and song.
19th May
We have had a busy week in the nursery. We have enjoyed doing our movement sessions outside in the lovely spring weather. We calmly listened to the nature around us and used it to move our bodies in various ways. We then had a picnic snack out in the fresh air.
In maths, we have been developing our understanding of the number 2. We have found many ways we can represent 2 including using our fingers or objects we find around us.
We have been looking at the life cycle of a sunflower and enjoyed reading the story 'Little Sunflower'. The children have begun planting their own sunflower seeds and are looking forward to seeing who can grow the tallest sunflower! The beans we planted last week have started to grow, we have been checking on them daily to follow their progress
On Wednesday we celebrated heritage day. Freya kindly brought in some traditional cozonac for us all to share, to celebrate her Romanian heritage. We were also treated to a story, read in Romanian, by Freya's mum. The children really enjoyed it- Thank you!
On Friday we dressed in our sports clothes and enjoyed a bun sale to raise money for our upcoming spirit alive celebrations.
Our certificate winners this week are- Ezmay Bobby and Hunter.
Our Mathematician of the week is- Isabella
Well done everyone
12th May
This week in nursery we read the story 'Jasper's Beanstalk', from this the children decided they wanted to plant their own bean plants. We planted our bean seeds in compost and we know they need water and sunlight to grow, we will keep you updated with their progress!
The wet weather has meant lots of worms, slugs, snails and other mini beasts have been visiting our garden, the children have loved hunting for them and comparing them. Ali was a champion worm finder, he found 16 worms!
Evie brought in some wonderful home learning to put on our wall, remember if you want to be in with a chance of winning a prize you can bring in any learning you do at home, relating to our garden topic, or send it to us on tapestry, we can't wait to see what exciting things you do!
We had some amazing entries to the 'Design a Crown competition', well done to our winner Marcey and to all our runners-up.
Our certificate winners this week are- Hydi, Kendall and Freya
Our mathematician of the week is- Noah
well done!'
5th May
This week in nursery we have continued our learning about our new topic 'In The Garden'. We have used our senses to explore lots of plants and flowers on the light box, some were sticky, some were spikey, some were big and some were small but we all thought they smelled very nice. We also used various plants and flowers to make prints, both on our scented playdough and on paper with paints. We thought it was very funny putting flowers in paint, but it was lots of fun seeing what shapes and patterns they made as we printed them on our paper. Outside we have been exploring the gardens to see what we could find growing. We found lots of flowers, blossoms on the trees and we even saw 3 butterflies!
We ended our week by celebrating the king's coronation. We made our own flags and crowns, decorated a yummy biscuit in the union jack colours and had lots of fun learning how to bow and curtesy, we even mastered the royal wave!
28th April
We have welcomed our new children into the nursery this week, it has been lovely getting to know them and they are settling into nursery life really well.
This week we have been learning about the celebration of Eid. Some of our children have been sharing their experiences of celebrating Eid with their families, Samara even showed everyone her beautiful mehndi patterns on her hands. We explored our senses by taste testing dates, lots of children really liked these! We also had fun dancing to some traditional music.
We were very lucky to welcome Heidi, an artist from 'Waking the Artist' into the nursery to do some special artwork with us. We used different materials and our artistic skills to create some wonderful faces, Heidi was very impressed with our mini-artists!
The children have also continued their interest in maps, we used chalk and paints outside to create maps of our journeys to the nursery. We found that some children have long journeys, some have shorter ones, some children travel in a car and some walk, it was very interesting to compare our maps.
Our certificate winners this week are- Hunter and Matilda.
Our Mathematician of the week impressed us with their super counting skills.
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21st April
Welcome back after what we hope was a lovely Easter break.
This week we have been getting settled back into our routines in the nursery. The children have had a special in following and making maps to find the treasure which we will be exploring more next week.
We were very proud to find out that some of our Nurser children won a prize from Tesco at Seacroft design an Easter egg competition.
- Our certificate winner is: Noah
- Our mathematician of the week is: Ayda
Well done!
Spring Term Newsletter
31st March
We have come to the end of a very busy term and this week we have been ordering the lifecycle of The Very Hungry Caterpillar, taking part in Mindful March, and continuing to deepen our knowledge of the number one.
- Our certificate winner is: Aaliyah
- Our mathematician of the week is: Millie
- Our home learning winner is: Evie
- Our Easter competition winner is: Freya
Well done!
Have a lovely Easter break and we look forward to seeing you after the Easter holidays.
24th March
This week the children have done incredibly well learning the story The Very Hungry Caterpillar, see if they can retell the story at home or show you the actions we have been learning.
We have also been learning all about the number 1 using the maths mastery approach.
We also celebrated Kyra's birthday.
- Our certificate winner this week is: Matilda
- Our mathematician of the week winner is: Freya
- Our red nose day design winners are: Ezmay and Bobby
- Our red nose day cake winners are: Jacob and Oscar
Thank you very much for all the wonderful home learning that has been sent in these have been celebrated and will be entered into the prize draw.
Well done!
17th March
This week has seen the Nursery children have lots of fun outdoors exploring our topic New Life. The children have enjoyed storytelling as part of outdoor learning a unicorn hatched out of an egg and we made a home for it and set up a picnic when it was hungry. Thank you for the fantastic Red Nose Day cake and art competition entries.
Our certificate winner this week was: Evie
Our Mathematician of the week was: Gabriel
Our World Book Day potato winner was: Reggie
Well done!
10th March - Snow Day Home Learning
10th March
This week the children have been learning about the festival Holi and the colour battles people have as part of the celebrations. We then had our own which the children enjoyed.
The children had lots of fun with a visit from Catherine from Tiny Tales visiting and telling The Very Hungry Caterpillar as an interactive story.
Our certificate winners are: Colby and Imogen
Our mathematician of the week is: Joshua
Well done!
We hope you enjoyed the snow day please send us any photos on Tapestry.
3rd March
What a busy week we have had this week in the nursery.
We had a very energetic Fantasy party with great costumes, superhero dance moves and yummy food. Thank you to all our parents/carers who brought in donations of party food, included are some photos of some homemade party food from our parents.
We also celebrated World Book Day by coming to the nursery in our pyjamas with our favourite book. The children told us what their favourite book was and why, we also took part in the cosy reading corner and read a story using torch-light which was lots of fun.
We have a new climbing crest in the outdoor area, which the children are incredibly interested in and have spent lots of time exploring.
Our certificate winner this week is: Harper
Our mathematician of the week is: Imogen
Our World Book Day potato design competition winner will be announced next week.
Well done!
24th February
This week has been lots of fun as we prepare for our fantasy party next week, the children have been fantastic at learning some superhero moves.
We celebrated pancake day by making them and cooking them outside on the fire, we all had a really flipping good time!
Our certificate winner this week was Lola.
Our mathematician of the week was Abdulrahman.
10th February
This week we have been busy finding out all of the fantasy activities the children would like to learn more about. Some of these included learning superhero moves, and building castles and a pirate ship. The children also made some very lovely superhero capes in the creative area.
As part of children's mental health week, we had a very special visit from some superheroes which the children loved!
27th January
This week in the nursery we have been busy learning some new nursery rhymes that we would like to sing for our parents and carers later in the term.
We have been busy doing some superhero movements and are hoping to have a superhero party soon.
Our certificate winner is: Rowan
Our mathematician of the week is: Elang
Well done!
20th January
This week has been another week of settling all of our new starters who we are really pleased to have starting this very important learning journey with us here at Beechwood Nursery.
We have been learning about the traditions of Chinese New Year celebrations and this has involved a Chinese dragon workshop, making red envelopes and some food tasting.
We have enjoyed singing some new nursery rhymes linked to our fantasy topic and reading the story Aliens Love Underpants. The Aliens also love socks too and have been stealing this from our washing line in our outdoor learning area. We keep on having to replace these by hanging more on the line.
Our mathematicians of the week are: Ava and Bobby
Our star of the week this week is: Noah
13th January
We have had a very busy week in the Nursery settling all of our children, but we have had lots of fun playing in our new castle in the role-play area. Lots of the children have loved dressing up as fantasy characters.
16th December
We have had a magical Christmas week in the nursery and the children have worked so hard to take home some lovely handmade gifts which we hope you will all like.
We have had lots of fun at the Christmas parties and the children made all the nursery staff proud singing our Christmas carols around the fire to parents.
The nursery children also had a special Christmas visit from Katherine at Tiny Tales who told the traditional story The Snowman which saw all of our children up on their feet interacting.
We hope you all enjoy a very Merry Christmas and we wish you all the best for the New Year!
9th December
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas in the nursery.
The nursery children did amazingly well this week with their nativity, all their hard work and practice paid off it was magical! The nursery staff team were so proud.
We also enjoyed Christmas jumper day and the children looked so cute.
Our certificate winner this week is Olivia-Rose
Our mathematician of the week is Ali
Our home learning winner this half term is Bobby
They will be enjoying hot chocolate with the headteacher next week.
2nd December
We have had lots of fun in the nursery this week learning all about oral health we did a movement session with shine, sang with Mrs T and watched some information-packed videos to support our learning.
We also did some baking which the children enjoyed and talked about how nice it is to have sweet treats but not too many as it is bad for our teeth.
We had a very special visit from Andy the paramedic who told the children all about how he helps us and people in the community. He also brought an ambulance and allowed the children to explore it,, sit in the driver's seat and even sound the siren. A big thank you to Andy! We really appreciated the visit and gifts.
Remember to bring your home learning back by 07/12/22 as we will be doing our prize draw a week early so winners can have hot chocolate with the head teacher before the Christmas holidays.
Our certificate winner this week is Elang
Our mathematician of the week is Eli-Jorge
Our first super sitter prize winner is Nellie
25th November
This week in the nursery we have been continuing the topic our community and learning all about school patrol officers. (Lollipop person) We had a visit from our very own school patrol officer Graham he told the children all about his job and what he does to help. Lots of the children already knew Graham which was nice to see. The children have had fun role playing being a school patrol officer.
Our certificate winner this week is Grayson
Our mathematician of the week is Harper
Our Diwali home learning winners are Rosie and Cleo
18th November
The doctor's surgery has been very busy this week with lots of patients. Various doctors have had to diagnose lots of mysterious illnesses, and write prescriptions and Dr Hunter even refused to see a patient and said he was too busy!
In our outdoor classroom, we now have a fire station the children have loved pretending to put out fires and save lots of people and animals.
The nursery children enjoyed no pen’s Wednesday with a fabulous session from Shine based on our topic as well enjoying a brilliant visit from the mobile farm.
As part of our topic we made the most of the police visiting our school as this week we have been learning all about police officers.
Children in Need was lots of spotacular fun and the children looked very cute in their spotty wear.
Our home learning winner was Lola she enjoyed her prizes and will soon be going for a hot chocolate with the headteacher.
Our mathematician of the week is Bobby
Our certificate winner is Bella
Our children in need challenge winners are Nellie and Arham
Imogen won the children in need bake off
Well done!
11th November
This week in the nursery we have introduced a doctor's surgery as part of our topic our community. The children have been thrilled and we have had lots of illnesses and injuries that they have come up with.
We have also looked at the importance of remembrance day and made poppies.
If your child is entering the Christmas card competition don't forget to return the entry by the 16th of November.
Our mathematician of the week is Hunter.
Our certificate winner is Ella C.
well done!
4th November
We have lots of fun and celebrations this week in the nursery.
We started the week with Halloween celebrations and got to carve pumpkins. We then recapped on our learning about Diwali making Diya lamps and Rangoli patterns in different ways.
As it is Bonfire Night over the weekend, we made our own sparklers and fireworks and had a fire in the magic garden. We talked about what we need to do to keep safe around the fire.
The children have loved exploring and playing in our new outdoor classroom which looks amazing!
Thank you for the Diwali competition entries the winner will be announced next week.
Our mathematician of the week this week is Ali
Our certificate winner this week is Olivia-Rose
Well done!
21st October
We have had a busy half-term settling into the nursery and the children have had lots of fun.
This week we performed our very first assembly in front of parents which was a great success! I was very proud of all the children and can only imagine how proud the parents felt.
Our mathematician of the week was: Olivia-Rose
Our certificate winner was Ali
Well done!
We will announce this half-term's home learning winner in the first week back.
We hope you have a lovely half-term break.
14th October
We have continued our topic about Marvellous Me. We are reading the book So Much looking at different families and cultures.
We have been looking at feelings and had a pumpkin with lots of emotions turn up in the classroom.
The children have enjoyed making autumn collages from things they have found in the magic garden such as leave and conkers. Ella brought in some fantastic things she had found from her autumn walk with her family. These are now on our autumn display in the classroom.
7th September
We have been exploring families in the nursery and looking at books about different types of families. The children have been using compare bears to represent family members as well as taking care of our babies in the nursery.
Certificate winners this week were: Leon and Grace
The mathematician of the week was: Layton
Well done!
30th September
This week we have been continuing with our topic Marvellous me and the children have been exploring the provision set up for this.
We enjoyed our French-themed day and enjoyed our lovely French food.
Our mathematician of the week is: Layton
Our certificate winners are Qing and Eli-Jorge
Well done!
19th September
We have continued to get our children settled in the Nursery and we started learning more about our topic Marvellous me. The children have been great at talking about their family homes and pets.
12th September
The Nursery children are settling in and starting to learn the class routines. They are enjoying exploring the indoor and outdoor classrooms.