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Class 10

1st July


The children in Class 10 have been learning all about asthma this week. They have been watching videos, learning from children who actually suffer from asthma and how they cope. Yesterday they made paper lungs to help them understand what happens to the airways.

24th June

17th June

The children in Class 10 have been busy practising their sewing skills. We have all been cooling down with some ice-cold lollies!

9th June

In Class 10 this week pupils have been doing paintings inspired by artists connected with the Lake District. 

All the children in Class 10 who entered the Beechwood Primary School Platinum Jubilee Bake Off 2022 received a certificate for their entry.

20th May

Award winners this week in class 10 are Tyler, Carter, Nakara and Tristan.

13th May

The children have been busy researching the work of famous landscape artists.

Year 4 Residential - Day 1

We had a lovely day yesterday on the first day of our residential. As we got closer to the Lake District and began to notice the hills, rivers and lakes everyone felt very excited. After leaving our bags in the Borrowdale youth hostel, we enjoyed a picnic outside. Then we met the Field Studies Rangers to begin our activities. We had great fun searching the woods and the river Derwent for different creatures. We were surrounded by hills that seemed really high to us but they were not even tall enough to be mountains. 

Look at our photos to see how much fun we are having. 

29th April


The children started work on their new topic this week comparing Seacroft and Leeds with the Lake District. They also had the first of 4 drama sessions with Pavla to support their reading of Swallows and Amazons.

22nd April

1st April

25th March


The award winners for this week are Isabella, Sanvi and Freya.
Class 10 used the outdoor classroom for a bamboo tamboo lesson.
The children were busy using maths equipment for solving fraction problems and they were busy researching the human and physical features of Ghana at the beginning f the week.

18th March

The children in Class 10 had a great day on Monday in a workshop from the Leeds DEC about the production of chocolate and Fairtrade.

The children have been busy today practising their cutting skills in DT using Ghanaian grown fruit. They were also able to taste the fruit and record their opinion. 
Some of the children were dressed for Red Nose Day.

11th March

The children in Class 10 had an African dance and mask making workshop on Monday.


Class 10 award winners this week are Payton, Dylan and Mollie.
Abigail was the winner of the best costume for World Book Day in Class 10.

4th March

Class 10 chose Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl as our book for World Book Day. The children dressed up as various book characters. They did Charlie and the Chocolate related maths with fractions. They watched the film during the afternoon and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory related activity sheets.

18th February

Class 10 had a science workshop on Monday investigating sound. It was really good fun and very interactive

11th February


These are some examples of Tingatinga paintings.

4th February

Award winners this week for class 10 are Freya, Mollie and Tristan.

21st January

Charlie, Paige, Sanvi and Ethan are the award winners for this week.
Class 10 have been sketching in the style of Ghanaian artist Edward Saidi and copied some of his animal patterns.

14th January


Certificate winners this week are Riley, Ethan and Kevah. Class 10 have had a good start o the new year with their Ghana topic launch.

17th December


Class 10 100% attendance winners and the Bug Club winner for this week. We have also been busy completing our ancient Greek masks.

3rd December


The class 10 award winners this week are Tyler, Adonay and Ethan.
The children all wore Christmas jumpers today and are obviously feeling very festive.
We have continued to look at shape this week in maths.
In science, the children have been investigating pneumatics and hydraulics using syringes.

26th November


Class 10 have been busy this week. Monday was an ancient Greek workshop. Wednesday was No Pens Day. We had storytelling with Matthew Bellwood and we made 3D shapes from nets. 


This week certificates in Class 10 go to Damirs, Penny and Lexi.

19th November


Class 10 Odd Sock Day for Anti-Bullying Week.
Oliver brought in some fantastic buns!
Class 10 raised lots of money for Children in Need Day.
Saba won the colouring-in competition of Pudsey Bear.

15th November


Award winners for this week are Tyler, Keevah and Penny. Filips brought a football trophy that he won at his local football club into school to show everyone.

22nd October

Class 10 have been busy making ancient Greek pots over the last 2 weeks. We have also been investigating what happens to the brightness of a bulb when the voltage is increased. 

Class 10 also has 3 Reading at Home certificate winners.

15th October


Class 10 had an ancient Greek workshop with Matthew Bellwood on Monday.

8th October


Class 10 have had a great day out at Leeds City Museum learning about life in ancient Greece.

17th September

The children in class 10 have been busy with the introduction of the ancient Greece topic. They have also been trying to make a simple electrical circuit.
