Class 7
Rewards week ending 14.02.25
Class 7 have worked incredibly hard this week. We have studied a map of Beechwood and looked at the human and physical features around school. We also had a great last lesson of gymnastics with Mr Wilson and on Friday we learned how to draw comic characters from real illustrators! Well done to Finley and Harper on your certificates this week!
Rewards Week ending 7th February
Class 7 have been investigating the shadows of different objects this week. We learned that opaque objects have the darkest shadows! Well done to Freddey, Remi and Harper on your certificates this week.
31st January-Blog/Certificate winners
This week we went on a walk around Seacroft to learn about the history of Seacroft with Matthew Bellwood. Well done to the children who represented our school in the cross country competition and to Rahma and Charlie for your certificates this week!
Certificate Winners- Week ending 17th January
In Science we have been testing out what objects were easiest to see in dim lighting. We thought it was much easier to see brightly coloured objects but the shiny objects were the easiest. Well done to Sofia, Ireti and Ruby on your certificates this week.
Spring Newsletter and Home Learning Grid 2025
29th November 2024
We had a great time at Meanwood Valley farm on Thursday where we learnt about rocks and fossils. Well done to Musaab, Dolcie and Rosie on your certificates this week!
22nd November 2024
Year 3 were lucky because Catherine, a history expert, came in to teach us all about the Anglo-Saxons. We explored different artefacts, played some games and learnt about the different battles in Britain at that time. Well done to Jasmine, Maggie and Codie on your certificates this week.
8th November
Well done Rahma, Lyla, Aleigha and Rosie on your certificates this week.
25th October
Well done to Harper, Ruby, Luca, Maggie and Charlie on your certificates this week!
Class 7 have worked really hard this half term.
We hope you have a great break!
18th October 2024
Well done to Teddy, Maggie, Musaab and Riley for your certificates this week!
11th October 2024
This week, Year 3 were very excited to spend another day with Catherine learning all about the Romans. We explored reconstructed sources to learn about life in Roman times, wrote messages using Roman letters, played different games and learnt all about Roman armour and weapons.
Class Certificate Awards
Well done to Ivy, Remi, Aleigha and Deuel this for their excellent work.
4th October 2024
Class 7 have worked hard in maths this week learning column addition. We have also started to learn about the human skeleton and the organs it protects. Well done to Kingsley, Musaab, Freddey and Rosie for working hard this week!
Class 7 Certificate Awards
Star of the Week/Certificate Winners - 27th September 2024
This week's star of the week is Noah!

27th September
We had a great day on Thursday celebrating European Languages Day! Well done to Teddy and Rosie for working particularly hard. Well done to Lyla, Ireti and Harper for working so hard this week!

20th September
Class 7 have been working hard in Maths to flexibly partition numbers to 1000. We have also started writing a report about Stone Age Britain using what we had learnt from our Stone Age Day last week. Well done Kingsley for your excellent research at home. Well done to Rahma, Jayden and Dolcie for working hard all week!

13th September
Class 7 had a great day with Catherine where we found out about life in The Stone Age. We explored lots of different artefacts and thought about what they might have been used for. In the afternoon, we learned about life in the Bronze and Iron Age which was really interesting too.