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School Council


Our New School Council

Pupils talk about out new friendship benches

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Friendship Bench

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School Council Success!

Still image for this video
So far this year our School Council have had some great successes:

Children in Need
Improving Golden Time
Red Nose Day
Planning the return of the Golden Table at lunchtime
Organising Buddy Benches for both the KS1 and KS2 playgrounds

There were a number of other brilliant ideas and suggestions from across the school. Some haven't been done due to not receiving majority votes, others just haven't been done YET!

This term we are looking to organise a project to support our whole school community, focussing on recycling and social action. Watch this space for more updates and exciting news!!!

Meet the School Council. 

The Beechwood school councillors worked in Year group bubbles to create the following goals and promises in this video.

