Class 8
Summer Term
Nell Bank Assembly

19th May
It was amazing to go on a trip to Leeds City Museum and explore the real artefacts from Ancient Egypt. We even got to learn about Nesyamun, a real Ancient Egyptian mummy. He was once a priest but he also worked in a temple. He had been mummified about 3000 years ago. We were so excited that we were going to see a real mummy in Leeds! What a fantastic day!
12th May
The children had an incredible time in their drama workshop with Matthew Bellwood. We learned so many interesting facts about mummification! We learned that before an Egyptian could enter the afterlife, their body had to be preserved in perfect condition. Matthew pretended to be an embalmer and we all got the opportunity to help him with the process! It was interesting when Matthew told us that all the organs apart from the heart and brain had to be placed in canopic jars to protect them. The brain was thrown away but the heart was placed back into the body! We wrapped the mummy in linen and placed it in the sarcophagus with good luck charms and spells. It was a brilliant day!
5th May
Excellent home crafts! We have made brilliant crowns for the competition in school for the King's Coronation. Well done!
21st April
Well done to this week's certificate winners!
Mathematician of the week: Esther
Handwriter of the week: Toby
Reader of the week: Nadia
Writer of the week: Brody
Star of the week: Kamani
Spring Home Learning Grid
Spring Term Newsletter
French Learning Mat
Nell Bank Day 1
We had a fantastic day exploring Nell Bank. When we arrived, we were really excited and we didn’t even mind the rain. First, we had great fun walking with Dave, Lorraine and Emma in the woods. There were so many trees all around us and some of them were more than one hundred years old. After that, we went pond dipping. Look at the photos to see one of the newts we caught. We then had time for a scavenger hunt before playing on the brilliant playground. Tomorrow we are looking forward to den-building.
24th March
It's been an absolutely fantastic week for Class 8. They have gone above and beyond in their year 3 assembly. We are so proud of the way they confidently performed and projected their voices to the whole hall. Each child received a prize and a certificate for all their hard work. Well done! 🙂
We enjoyed acting out Palm Sunday for our R.E lesson. We have been learning about Christianity this term and the children thought carefully about how the crowds of people waiting for Jesus to enter Jerusalem might have been feeling. They created palm leaves and signs to re-enact Jesus's arrival. They did an excellent job! 🙂

Well done to these children for their excellent home learning this week. They have found out about different countries around the world, practised their maths and done some brilliant letter writing too! 🙂

Class 8 have been showing off their fantastic cake-baking skills for Red Nose Day. They enjoyed tasting each other's cakes and sharing how they made them.

Our Community, Our Responsibility Assembly

Year 3 pupils present what they have learnt in their TSU work this term.
10th March Snow Day Home Learning
Home Learning Grid -Autumn 22
Year 3 Autumn Newsletter 2022
10th February
This week Year 3 visited the Recycling and Energy Recovery Facility in Leeds to find out what happens to our rubbish. When we arrived, we couldn’t believe how much waste can be collected and sorted there. The giant grabber picks up tonnes of rubbish and sends it to the furnace to be burnt. As the rubbish is burnt, it creates energy to power houses and buildings in Leeds. It was fun going into the control room to see how the grabber works and finding out why we need to recycle.
Year 3 had a really interesting visit to St Richards Church last week as part of our community topic. Reverend Dominic told us about the local food bank, Reverend Kate showed us what a Christening was like and Reverend Ann told us more about what we could see in the church.

9th December
Year 3 had a brilliant visit to Meanwood Valley Farm this week to learn about rocks and soils for our science topic. We touched different soil to describe it and tried to make our own soil using what we could find around us. It was great fun but it didn't work. The scientists told us this was because it takes a lot of time for minerals, water, organic matter and air to turn into soil.
14th October
Year 3 have had a very interesting Roman day this week with Catherine. We spent a long time looking carefully at reconstructed sources being history detectives. We had to work out what the sources were made of and then we had to try to work out what they were used for. The teachers tried to be the best but the children won.
30th September
Year 3 have absolutely loved their French Day today. We have enjoyed learning to count to 10 in French, a wonderful French meal and a brilliant French story read by Mrs Powley.
Well done Class 7 and 8, you have definitely done us proud with your French speaking! 🙂
23rd September
We have been learning about Stone Age Art in Year 3 so we went outside to try out our own cave paintings on the playground and the walls.
16th September
Year 3 was very excited on Tuesday because we spent the day with a history expert learning about life in the Stone Age, Bronze age and Iron Age. Galena showed us reconstructed Stone Age artefacts and we had to work out what we thought they were. We explored different animal skins and Stone Age tools as we discovered that people were hunter-gatherers thousands of years ago. Then we learned about cave paintings and used charcoal and pastels to make our own. We had great fun and we learned so much history!