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Physical Education (PE)

At Beechwood, the PE curriculum is rooted in the school’s underlying aims, ethos and values. It is carefully designed to equip our pupils with the knowledge and skills they need to become physically confident and understand the importance of health and fitness.  This will both prepare them for the next stage in their education and enable them to live successful lives in the future.


The Beechwood PE curriculum aims to:

  • Develop competence in a broad range of physical activities;
  • Ensure pupils are physically active for sustained periods of time as part of P.E. lessons and throughout break and lunchtimes; 
  • Increase engagement in competitive sports and activities;
  • Encourage children to lead healthy, active lives:
  • Develop pupils’ ability to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25m.


At Beechwood, our aim is to offer a broad experience of a range of sports and activities including gymnastics, yoga, games, athletics, competitions, swimming and outdoor adventurous activity. We hope that every child will be able to access an activity that they can enjoy and engage with, regardless of their sporting ability. 




Last year, we invested in new gymnastics equipment for both sports halls and in the Autumn term, all staff undertook gymnastics CPD with one of our sports coaches. Tom from Premier Sport taught a gymnastics lesson to every class in the Primary Phase, working alongside their class teachers and support staff to ensure they were confident in the teaching of gymnastics, using the equipment safely and ensuring progress and enjoyment for all children. 

Throughout the Spring term, each year group is focussing on gymnastics in their PE lesson and will continue to further their skills each year. 

At Beechwood, we understand the importance of looking after children’s mental health and wellbeing. To help support children overcome the uncertainty of the last few years, we have introduced yoga into our PE curriculum. 

Each year group will take part in a Yoga unit, poses are introduced and taught via video links from trained yoga instructors to ensure our staff are fully equipped to teach enjoyable and successful yoga lessons. Children will build on their skills and learn new poses each year. 

Reception Unit- Our Wonderful World Around Us
Year 1 Unit- Pirates and Mermaids at Sea!
Year 2 Unit- I am Super!
Year 3 Unit- The Greatest Show
Year 4 Unit- Peaceful Warriors
Year 5 Unit- Celebrating and Embracing You!
Year 6 Unit- Our Place in the Natural World


Shaping Healthy Minds Online (our yoga scheme) allows families access to yoga at home. We will provide you with a link to the website and a login to access their ‘Sleep Easy’ pack which includes: yoga flows, breathing activities and guided relaxations. This will help children to practice their yoga at home and also support their wellbeing and mental health. It is something for the whole family to enjoy!

Sports coaches

We invite in a range of coaches throughout the year to work across all year groups, lead engaging games and activities at lunchtimes and provide after schools clubs. 


Premier Sport and ACES- Coaches from both companies work alongside one year group each half term, teaching a range of sports, which complement our PE long term plan. 


Leeds Rhinos Foundation- Their ‘DANCE Schools’ lead dance lessons with our Year 3 classes.
Every term, each year group is offered at least one afterschool sports club, delivered by one of our coaches. 

Useful Links

Cosmic Kids Yoga

YouTube Channel

Dan Batty - Kaizen Sports 
YouTube Channel
Just Dance 2022
YouTube Channel
Get Kids Moving YouTube Channel - A range of different workouts


Half termly fitness challenge

Can you complete the ‘Fitness Alphabet Challenge’? 
Complete the fitness challenges to spell out your name. Can you spell your first and last name? If you take part in the challenge let your class teacher know and you will get a special sticker!

Top tips to help your child be a super sportsperson

The list is endless and you will have many ideas of your own.  Essentially, you can help your children learn by offering them exciting activities and by encouraging be active and try new sports and activities. 

Emphasize fun. Help your child find a sport that they enjoy. The more they enjoy the activity, the more likely they will be to continue it. Get the entire family involved. It is a great way to spend time together.

Plan ahead. Make sure your child has a convenient time and place to exercise. This can be as simple as walking to and from school.

Provide a safe environment. Make sure your child's equipment and where they practice or play is safe. Make sure your child's clothing is comfortable and appropriate for the activity.

Be a role model. Children who regularly see their parents enjoying sports and physical activity are more likely to do so themselves.

Play with your children. Help them learn a new sport or another physical activity. Or just have fun together by going for a walk, hike, or bike ride.

Set limits. Limit screen time, including time spent on TV, phones, tablets and video games each day. Use the free time for more physical activities.

Make time for exercise. Set aside time each week for exercise. This could be a bike ride or walk on a Sunday afternoon or a kick-a-round at the park on a Saturday morning. Choose an activity and a time that suits you and your family. 
