Mathematics at Beechwood Primary School
At Beechwood, the mathematics curriculum is rooted in the school’s underlying aims, ethos and values. It is carefully designed to equip our pupils with the knowledge, skills and understanding and attitudes that will both prepare them for the next stage in their education and enable them to live successful lives in the future.
Our aims in teaching mathematics are that all children will:
- Ensure that all children become fluent in mathematics, developing a conceptual understanding of different aspects of mathematics as well as the ability to recall and apply knowledge quickly and accurately.
- Develop pupil’s mathematical reasoning, with a particular focus on using mathematical vocabulary.
- Give all pupils the opportunity to regularly solve routine and non-routine problems.
- Develop positive attitudes and enjoyment of mathematics as well as understanding the use of mathematics within daily life and the world of work.
- Develop children into resilient learners who enjoy challenges and see the value of learning from mistakes.
Maths Counting Videos
We are Mathematicians at Beechwood Primary School
Within daily mathematics lessons, children are encouraged to use mathematical vocabulary to share their understanding and explore different areas of mathematics. One of the ways that we ensure plenty of opportunity for children to use mathematical vocabulary is through Kagan strategies. These include Rallycoach and Rallyrobin activities which allow all children to contribute and develop their vocabulary. Key vocabulary is also displayed on working walls within classrooms. This supports children to use this new vocabulary not only with mathematics lessons but throughout the day.
Year 6 working together on place value vocabulary.
The concrete pictorial abstract approach enables children to build a greater understanding of mathematics and supports learning abstract concepts. The concrete stage uses physical objects, the pictorial stage uses drawings and the abstract stage uses numbers. All children have access to a mathematics area in the classroom which provides them with a range of resources.
In Nursery, children focus on learning the numbers to 10 represented in a large variety of ways. Here they are looking at different ways to show the number one.
In Year 3, children use a range of concrete resources, pictorial part-part-whole models and abstract numerals to show numbers in different ways.
Across the school, each mathematics lesson begins with counting practice. This focuses on children’s mental recall of number patterns and key number facts. Children also take part in counting activities embedded in lessons.
In Nursery, children use different resources to practise counting numbers to 10
The use of arithmetic and mental mathematical skills are embedded in lessons. Each mathematics lesson in Key Stage 2 also begins with arithmetic practice. This focuses on children’s mental recall of facts as well as using efficient written methods.
In Year 3, children use the column method to add and subtract numbers. They can apply these methods to solve missing number problems.
Working walls
Each classroom has a mathematics working wall that supports the learning and teaching of mathematics. In Early Years the working wall supports the understanding of numbers shown in different ways. In Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, each wall focuses on four main areas;
- We are mathematicians (photos to show how we are being mathematicians)
- CPA (concrete, pictorial and abstract representations of numbers)
- Vocabulary (new mathematics vocabulary)
- Sentence Stems (sentences to help us learn to talk about mathematics)
In Nursery, children use the working wall to practise showing numbers in different ways.
Problem solving and reasoning
Opportunities to problem solve and reason in a range of contexts are provided regularly. These enable children to apply and deepen their mathematics understanding. Children are able to reflect on their mathematical learning and make links between mathematics and other areas of learning.
In Nursery, children are problem-solving in the outdoor area. They are using different equipment to make bridges as part of No Pens Day.
In Year 3, children are solving position and direction word problems.
Outdoor mathematics
Children have regular opportunities to access mathematics in the outdoor areas around the school. This supports children with making real-life links with the mathematics they are learning.
In Nursery, children use the outdoor area to explore making structures. Here they can apply key skills like counting, sorting and shape understanding.
There are lots of opportunities for children to use technology as part of their mathematics learning. Children have access to iPads, Chromebooks and other technology like Bee-bots which are used to practise and support mathematical learning. From Year 2, children are able to access Times Tables Rock Stars which supports with learning times tables facts.
Cross-curricular links
It is important for children to understand that mathematics is not just a lesson taught as part of the school day but all around us in real life. Opportunities to transfer skills learnt, across contexts and across the curriculum, are used whenever possible. This enables children to use the mathematics skills they have learnt in different ways.
In Nursery, children make links to the world around them, the human body and cooking.
In Year 3, children are using their mathematics measuring skills in a Science investigation.
Useful Websites and Links
Key Stage 1
Whiterose 1 Minute Maths | Hit the Button | Purple Mash | BBC Teach Keystage 1 Maths |
BBC Teach Super Movers | Math Playground | Jack Hartman Counting Songs | NumberBlocks |
Key Stage 2
Top Tips for Becoming a Top Mathematician