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Reception Class 1

17th January 2025

This week, Class One launched their new topic, Fantasy Worlds. The children are very excited to learn about dragons, witches, magic and more! 


This week in drawing club, the children have been inspired by the traditional tale of Rapunzel. They have been super creative, coming up with wonderful ideas for how Rapunzel could get down her tower; designing a new castle and more. 


In maths, Reception have been revising the numbers 6-8 and were able to use some new methods to represent these numbers. We used part-whole models to show how the numbers could be partitioned in different ways. 

10th January 2025 

Class One have done a wonderful job of returning to the routines of school after their winter break. The children have practiced following the school rules again, playing together wonderfully. 


The children revised numbers 1-5 in maths and are becoming much more secure in their understanding of number composition. 


Phonics groups have resumed with children working hard to practice their sounds. 


In drawing club this week, Reception have been working on the story Zog! This has inspired some amazing play and creativity. 

6th December 2024

This week, Reception have been getting very excited about Christmas! It is December and the children have decorated a classroom Christmas tree and begun to prepare for the upcoming festivities.


Our number of the week was the number 9. The highlight in maths for most children this week was visiting Class 9! The children in Class 9 were much bigger than the children in Class 1. The students of Class 9 taught them all about why numbers were important and helped Reception spot number 9s around the room. 


In drawing club this week, the children have been using the text 'Martha maps it out'. Some children drew their own maps of the classroom inspired by the book. 

29th November 2024

Reception have learnt all about the number 8 this week, including looking at spiders and octopi! 


They have been doing lots of playing, both inside and out. 


The children have looked at different types of homes people in our community live in. We have talked about why homes are important places and that everyone’s home is different. 


22nd November 2024

It was a lovely week in Reception. We have continued with our ‘Our Community’ topic, focusing on people who help us. We have done lots of role play as police officers, firefighters and ambulance drivers. Some children made their own emergency vehicles using the scrap resources too which were amazing! 


We had some snow this week which facilitated wonderful speaking and listening among the children. It was great to see the children enjoying magic of a snowy day! 


Out number of the week was number 7. We linked this to the days of the week and the colours of the rainbow. In maths, we also learned about mass. We started by comparing the mass of a balloon with a big box of Lego! The children then became human balance scales, comparing lots more objects and testing out scales too. 


Our book this week was ‘The Jolly Postman’ and the children’s drawing club outcomes were amazing! 


This week, all children also took home their first home reading book and booklets with all of the Set 1 sounds in too. We can’t wait to hear how the children get on with their home learning! 

15th November 2024 

Class One have had a week full of new learning and interesting experiences. 


On Monday, it was Remembrance Day. The children were very respectful and showed good understanding about the significance of the poppy. We had a range of activities involving Poppies and took part in two minutes of silence. 


As part of Interfaith week, we had a special author visit from Saffiya Shaheen where we explored a wonderful story with each of our senses, Aminah’s prayer beads. 


In maths, we have been learning all about repeating patterns and our number of the week was 6. We looked at insects (which have 6 legs), dice, dominoes and more. 


Our drawing club focus was the 3 billy goats gruff. This is a great traditional tale which encouraged lots of silly voices and fun actions from the class! 


We have continued to launch the 'Our Community' topic. The children have lots of ideas about this topic already! 


On Friday, we celebrated Children in Need! We did themed provision activities, wore our pyjamas all day and even ate some yummy cake. 

8th November 2024

Reception have made the Beechwood staff team very proud with their wonderful return to school after the half-term break. We have had a busy and exciting week! 


On Wednesday, Class 1 had their first stay and play session! Grown-ups joined in with some phonics activities before spending time playing with their children. The students were so excited to be able to show what they love to do at school. 


We also celebrated Climate Joy Day, learning about the weather and nature. We learnt about how trees are very important for living things on Earth and made our own bird feeders to add to our trees outside. 


We have spent time learning about two important celebrations this week: Bonfire night and Diwali. In provision, lots of our enhancements have been linked to fireworks!


Our new topic this half-term is 'Our Community'. Class 1 have certainly shown what a wonderful class community they are this week. 

25th October 2024

Wow! Reception have finished their first half term at school. It was fantastic to see so many parents and carers at parents evening this week, to talk about how well their children are getting on. 


In maths this week, we have focused on the number 5. We have given each other lots of high 5s and done some fun activities inspired by the Numberblocks. 


In drawing club, we have been using the book 'Pumpkin Soup' by Helen Cooper as our stimulus. Inspired by this, the water tray became a pumpkin soup making area; the outdoor gazebo became a pumpkin patch and the children have done lovely observational art of pumpkins too. 

The children of Class 1 have worked incredibly hard and deserve a week off to rest and recharge, ready for Autumn 2.

18th October 2024

In Reception this week, we began our new phonics groups! Each group has been busy, learning and revising their sounds. On Wednesday, the children held a Black History Month assembly for their grown-ups which included singing, sharing artwork, watching a special video and talking about their wonderful work. 


In maths, we have been learning all about the number 4. We have done lots of work exploring the manipulatives in the maths area including cubes, numicon and counters. 


In drawing club, we have been focusing on the book “Mixed” by Arree Chung. The children have been enjoying making up their own colourful characters and thinking about the adventures they may have. 

11th October 2024

This week, we learnt our next 5 sounds in phonics: c, k, u, b and f. The children are picking up these sounds brilliantly and are starting to blend them into words too. 


In maths, we have been reviewing all of the work we have done so far on 1, 2, 3. This has included the different ways that these numbers can be represented. 


For our literacy focus this week, we have been learning the traditional tale, 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'.

4th October 2024 

The children in Class One are becoming much more confident in their new environment and are now experts in going to the hall and back! The children are completing two PE sessions each week as well as singing with a pianist every Friday. 


We are doing lots of work on patterns and shape, with the children using great vocabulary to do this. 


We have been using the story "The Mixed-Up Chameleon" by Eric Carle as the inspiration for our drawing club adventures this week and have really enjoyed the book, especially the funny pictures! 

27th September 2024

Class 1 have been busy again this week, working together and having fun! 


This week in phonics, the children have learnt the sounds i, n, p, g and o. They are starting to get super speedy when recognising the cards. Can you practice m, a, s, d, t, i, n, p, g, and o at home too?


The children have done lots of work on their senses this week. On Monday, children tried new fruits and shared their opinions on these. On Tuesday, they smelled new smells including herby plants. Some children also used spices to make their own paint which smelled incredible! On Wednesday, they used magnifying glasses and colour changing films to explore sight. On Thursday, they learnt how to listen to and speak different languages and on Friday, did lots of fun mark-making to explore the sense of touch!


In maths, we have been exploring the number 2. The children have done this in lots of different ways, moving from concrete to pictorial to abstract representations! Some children have started writing their numbers in provision too! 


The highlight of the week for many children was the European Day of Languages on Thursday. This was an amazing day filled with speaking, listening, crafts, photo booth props, songs and of course, cake! We were really impressed by the outfits, cake competition entries and the enthusiasm that every pupil showed. 

20th September 2024

The children in Class 1 have had a wonderful third week of school. They have been very busy playing and learning.


This week, the children have begun learning their speed sounds. They have learnt m, a, s, d and t. The children have been doing very well at recognising the letters and writing them too! We even made some lovely "mmmmice!" If you could like to know more, this pack will help support your child with their RWI phonics.


We have also spent time learning about the number 1 in maths. We found 1 of different objects around our room and have looked for other representations of the number 1 too! 


Our literacy focus this week has been on the story of 'The Three Little Pigs.' This inspired lots of children to explore houses in provision as well! 


Our 'Marvellous Me' topic is progressing wonderfully and children are doing great work thinking about themselves, their homes, families, interests and more. 

13th September 2024

The children in Class One have done an amazing job at coming into school and beginning to learn the new class routines. They have already learnt lots about their new school and are forming wonderful friendships.


We have launched our new topic, 'All About Me!' The children have found out what they know about themselves already and considered what other lines of enquiry they could follow throughout the half term.


In maths, we have sung lots of counting songs and have learnt about matching and sorting. This has included matching pictures and objects, making sets and sorting objects.


We have begun our phonics work by naming the pictures of the 'Read Write inc.' speed sounds. We have also met Fred, our special frog friend who can only talk in sounds!


In English, we have begun 'Drawing Club' sessions. In these sessions, we share a story of the week, learn exciting new vocabulary and then draw and write in a magical way! We have begun with the book 'Owl Babies'.

In provision, the children have been busy making pebble families, mark-making, playing with the sand and water, creating their own owls, building, role-playing and much more!


The Reception Team are so proud of how the children are settling into their new class and can't wait for the Year ahead.
