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Class 14

11th June


This week we have moved on from investigation the Tudors to looking in depth at the legacy of the Suffragettes.  We looked at the reasons for their actions, why they started and who supported them.  We found out so much about how they have helped to shape the society we live in today.  

We made our own sash in the style of the suffragettes and rosettes too.

21st May

This week in our TSU topic we began researching the Tudors.  We answered the following questions that we set ourselves at the beginning of the topic:
What was Henry VIII really like as king? 

Who were Henry VIII wives? 

What was life like in Tudor times? 

Who were the most famous explorers in this era? 

We made posters and booklets to show our findings.

This week we had a visit from one of the world's most famous play writes....William Shakespeare!

We got the opportunity to interview the man himself and ask him all about his life, his plays and what life was really like back in Tudor times.

We are going to write up our interviews and post some of them here on our blog!


14th May

Certificate winners from Class 14


Maths Whizz - Ava

Teacher's award - Lexi

Fantastic writer - Nina

Star of the Week - Bryany 


Well done everyone!

7th April

Mental Health Rocks: Lewis & Sadie
Maths Whizz: Connor
Fantastic Writer: Tapiwa
Star of the Week: Kayden



30th April

Star of the week: Lewis
Mental Health Rocks: Aidan 
Excellent Role Model: Dromor
Maths Whizz: Connor
Fantastic Writer: Tapiwa

2nd April



Year 6 have ended the spring term on a high and we are so proud of all the hard work they have put into these last few weeks at school together. 


This week we designed T shirts to show our learning about devastating effects of deforestation. The children have really enjoyed learning about the rainforests across South America and have showed genuine interest in how we can help save the animals and trees of the rainforests. 


Here are a few of our amazing T shirt designs...

26th March


Year 6 have created their own Rainforest! Which animals can you spot? 

Here are this week's certificate winners in class 14 for this week.

Star writer -Bailey
Maths whizz - Megan
Teacher's award for hard work - Alexis
Star of the Week - Nina
Model behaviour -William

Well done everyone! We have had a fabulous week at school 🙂 

19th March

Today Year 6 had a fantastic workshop with Matthew Bellwood where were learned all about the Mexican festival "Día de Muertos" 
known in Britain as "Day of the Dead".  This links with our TSU topic North and South America.

Dia de Muertos is a Mexican holiday celebrated in Mexico and elsewhere associated with the Catholic celebrations of All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day, and is held on November 1 and 2. The multi-day holiday involves family and friends gathering to pray for and to remember friends and family members who have died. It is commonly portrayed as a day of celebration rather than mourning.

Día de  Muertos, or Day of the Dead, is not a Mexican version of Halloween.

We learned that the centerpiece of the celebration is an altar, or ofrenda, built in private homes and cemeteries. These aren’t altars for worshipping; rather, they’re meant to welcome spirits back to the realm of the living.  They’re loaded with offerings—water to quench thirst after the long journey, food, family photos, and a candle for each person they are remembering.  Marigold petals guide wandering souls back to their place of rest. 

In groups we made our own masks, drew our own Alebrije (brightly coloured Mexican folk -art sculptures of fantastical creatures) and designed our own sugar skull offerings to people we wanted to remember on our own Ofrenda.

Here are some photos of our exciting day with Matthew...

12th March


What a fantastic start back to Y6 we have had. It has been such a joy to see all our happy smiling faces back with us and ready to learn. 

We have spent a lot of time this week talking about our feelings about returning to school and the overwhelming majority of children are just over the moon to be back with their friends and teachers 😃. As part of our PSHE this term we are focussing on how we feel in a unit called Mental Health Rocks, it is going to be a lot of fun and will really help us with all our learning this term. 

We are currently reading The Explorer by Katherine Rundell and will be writing diaries as one of the main characters, Fred. This week we took part in some drama to help us understand the characters better and see things from their point of view. We had some very convincing actors! All the children really threw themselves into the hot seating which was so fabulous to see. 

We have also been putting our artistic skills to use and drawing our own animals of the rainforest. We will be putting all our artwork together to create one large rainforest display 🦜 we can’t wait to see what it will look like when we have finished!



Certificate Winners


This weeks certificates were awarded to 2 very hardworking and dedicated pupils in class 14. 

Mrs Haylings couldn’t be prouder of how hard these 2 pupils worked all the way through lockdown and also back in class this week...

🌟 STAR OF THE WEEK 🌟 Brooke 👏🏻 👏🏻 

🧮📔MATHS WHIZZ📔🧮 Harvey 👏🏻 👏🏻 

Well done to both of you! 

Restorative Ambassadors


We would like to introduce you to our class ….. Restorative Ambassadors.

These pupils have been trained to help others by using Restorative Practice. Encouraging everyone to have a voice, learning to understand ourselves and each other by listening, sharing feelings and working together to solve disagreements. 
We are very proud of these pupils and how they are actively working to building a harmonious and inclusive community here at Beechwood and in the wider community. 


4th December


This week, we have been practising our Christmas performance. Each class have learnt a song and a part of 'A Christmas Carol'. On Friday, we wore our Christmassy outfits and recorded the performance. We can't wait for you to see it!

After a whole term of looking at and learning about impressionist paintings, we created our own artwork in the style of French impressionist artists. We are really pleased with our outcomes!

In Guided Reading, we are reading 'Wonder', which links nicely to our PSHCE workshops on identity and diversity. We celebrated our similarities and differences and talked about how proud we are to us and how nice it is that we are all unique in our own way!

27th November


This week we have spent a lot of time in Maths looking at measures and how to convert between different units of measure using our multiplying and dividing by 10 100 1000 skills.  We have been practising our methods for arithmetic and even learned how to use the coin method for long division! (There is a video on the website under Maths Demonstration Videos to help the children practise at home too).

This Wednesday was No Pens Wednesday where we spent the whole day using our communication skills to work rather than using pens and pencils.  We practised yoga, made electronic presentations about famous and influential people in France during the time of the revolution and had a great time outside taking part in an orienteering session where we had to locate letters using a map.  We found out that the letters spelled out NO PENS WEDNESDAY.  In the afternoon we had a great time taking part in challenges where we had to work as a team to create the tallest tower and the strongest bridge using paper, art straws and tape.  It was so much fun!

20th November


Class 14 took part in the TT Rockstars competition held last week.  We are over the moon as we scored the most points out of all the classes at Beechwood!!! We have been awarded a £20 Amazon voucher to spend on fun games for the classroom 🙂 




Our top 3 TT Rockstars in class 14 are:

  • 3rd place: Alicia Wiley
  • 2nd place: Bawar Ali
  • 1st place: Yahya Ali

Bawar and Yahya were also the top 2 points scorers in the whole school! Well done everyone!





This week in Year 6, we have been working really hard and impressing our teachers in Maths. We have been learning how to find percentages of amounts. Both classes also bagged the top two prizes in school for the TTRS national challenge and won an Amazon gift card to spend. We can't wait to decide what to buy!

In PE this week, we did some cosmic yoga. It was really fun and also very calming. We hope to do some more 🙂 

In the first week back this half term, we set up a bread experiment to see how and when bread goes mouldy. This week, we looked at our bread and wrote conclusions about how bread goes mouldy. Some of our bread was DISGUSTING!

It has been a really exciting week, with lots of fantastic lessons and as always we finished with Golden time and celebrations of achievements. We are looking forward to next week for No Pens Wednesday. 

Class 14 - Autumn 1

A Message from Mrs Haylings

Still image for this video

9th October - Certificate winners.

25th September

18th September
