End of term
I am sure you will join me in saying Well Done to all of the children for their Christmas performances last week. Children in Nursery and Reception really enjoyed learning all of the songs in particular "Let It Go." Year 1 and 2 held two very successful performances of "The Wriggly Nativity" and I am sure you would agree that they did a fantastic job with all of their speaking parts. Year 3 and 4 worked really hard on their performance of "Gold to Bethlehem." The children worked did well to learn all of their lines for their performance. Year 5 and 6 enjoyed sharing carols with you. All classes have had parties during the week and are now ready for a break over the holidays. All the staff at Beechwood Primary School would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year. See you all on Wednesday 7th January 2015.