9th February 2015
Week commencing 9th February 2015
Another very busy week at Beechwood last week. Thank you to all those that came to the drama club performance on Thursday, children have really enjoyed this club and also worked hard on their performance skills during the term. Year 5 enjoyed their visit to the academy for a gas safety day, they are also very excited about their residential to London this week. In their key stage assemblies, all children looked at the new school website. Children have been encouraged to access the web links on their class pages as these will support their learning. Mathletics usernames and passwords will be sent home this week, children are encouraged to use Mathletics on a regular basis at home. Coming soon to the Home Learning Support page of the website will be videos showing elements of maths, handwriting and phonics.
Other news:
From today, Red Nose Day merchandise will be available to buy in classes. There is a wide range of products available.
Don't forget we break up at 3.00pm on Friday 13th February for half term, pupils will return to school on Monday 23rd February.