School Logo

Monday 1st June 2015

Monday 1st June 2015 

We hope that you all had a good half term break and are looking forward to the second half of the summer term at Beechwood. There are lots of exciting events planned for the summer term including visitors from South Africa, Ghana and India. There are also lots of events planned to raise money for Spirit Alive Week in July, we hope that you support these to make the week as successful as in previous years. The dates for these events are on the school website and if you have our app they will also show in your calendar. We also have a whole school reward day being planned at Temple Newsham in July. 


Just a reminder about after school clubs. If your child was in a club in the first half of the summer term these have now stopped and new clubs will run during the second half of the summer term. Texts have been sent out confirming if your child has a place in a club. Most clubs are full and have a waiting list, if a space becomes available you will be informed. 


This week Year 3 are going to Nell Bank which they are really looking forward to. Some children from Year 2 are also in a skipping competition on Monday. 

