Thursday 2nd April 2015
It has been a very busy week at Beechwood Primary School. On Monday the children in the Leeds East Primary Partnership choir went to East Leeds FM to record some songs, these were then played at 6.15pm on Tuesday. If you would you like to listen to their brilliant singing again please visit. Well Done to everyone in the choir!
We welcomed Miss Hobson back after her visit to South Africa, the children have enjoyed reading the blog and looking at all of the photographs. In assembly on Thursday, the children listened to Miss Hobson talk about her visit and we look forward to finding out more about this visit after the holiday. On Thursday, we had a special assembly to celebrate some achievements from within the term. Well Done to Year 3 who have participated in the school swimathon this term as they have all improved and increased the distance that they can swim. We also announced the winners of the egg competition. Well Done to everyone who decorated an egg and entered this in the competition, it was brilliant to see such a huge variety of eggs in the hall over the last few days. We hope that everyone has a brilliant Easter holiday and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday 20th April.
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